In middle school your school day will start earlier or later than elementary school
What is later?
If you need help remembering your locker combination, you can
What is write it somewhere safe that you can find it when you need it and ask your homeroom teacher in case you lose it.
In elementary school you stored your belongings in your classroom, in middle school you store your belongings in the
What is the lockers
This person will help you with a smooth transition and will support you academically, personally, socially and with career exploration.
Who is the School Counselor
In elementary you stay with the same students all day, in middle school you
What is have a different set of students with you for each class
Check this once a week to find out your grades
What is StudentVue
If someone is bullying you, you should...
What is tell your parent, teacher, and school counselor
This activity exists in middle school during good weather only.
What is recess
Take notes in class and do this every night
What is review your notes
Doing this in your class lessons will help you learn
What is ask your teacher questions about what you are learning and participate in class discussions
Team teachers will include:
What is reading, language arts, math, social studies and science teachers
If you are feeling overwhelmed you should
What is talk to your school counselor to learn some coping strategies because maybe other students are feeling the same way and can benefit from having a group or classroom lesson on stress
Your school day will start at _____________ and end at ______________
What is 7:23 am and 2:45 pm?