The grade you should strive for in all your classes...
What is an A.
In order to do well on your tests you should...
What is study and complete all homework and classwork
In elementary school you have one class to stay in, whereas in middle school you...
What is move to different classes in different rooms
In elementary school you stored your belongings in your desk, in middle school you store your belongings in...
What is your bookbag.
The person that will help you learn your accommodations...
What is your case manager.
If you are confused or need help you should...
What is ask your teacher, case manager or guidance counselor.
A good place to study at home...
What is any quiet space.
This person will help you with a smooth transition and will support you academically, personally, socially and with career exploration.
Who is the School Counselor/Case Manager
This is how you will get from one class to another.
What is walk by yourself.
The tool that can be used to write down any upcoming homework or tests...
What is a planner/agenda.
If someone is bothering you, you should...
What is tell an adult.
The leaders of your school will be:
What is the principal and assistant principal.
The person who is in charge of your learning...
Who is you.
The program that is used to see study guides and assignments from the teacher...
What is Canvas.
The number of classes you will have on 1 day.
What is 4.
If you are struggling in a subject you should...
What is ask your teacher for help.
If you are feeling overwhelmed you should
What is talk to your teacher, case manager or school counselor.
In middle school, where do you go to check your grades?
What is student vue.