Friends & Activities
The School

True or false: You get to choose your own classes in middle school

Both. You have some classes you have to take (math, science, reading, etc) and others that you get to choose.


True or false: friendship groups often change in middle school

True. Changing friend groups happens naturally as you get older


Can I use my phone in school?

No! Most middle schools make you leave your phone in a locked bag at the front door.


How many different classes do you have in middle school?

Anywhere from 4-8


True or false: You will get in more fights and drama in middle school.

FALSE. Some people try to spread rumors and start fights. You can learn and practice how to stay out of it.


Do I walk in a line with my class?

No. Usually middle schoolers are allowed to walk from class to class completely by themselves. You usually have 3-5 minutes to get where you need to go. 


True or false: middle school teachers are meaner

False. Middle school teachers care about you and want you to succeed. BUT, they expect more of you, so they will be strict. They love when you ask for help.


True or false: sports and clubs are not a good way to make new friends in middle school.

FALSE. Sports and clubs are a great way to make friends. You get to spend time with people who like the same things you like. 


Does middle school have lockers?

Yes, most schools do (but not all). Remember that you have to be at class on time!

Do you have to get good grades in order to play sports?

Yes! Most sports and clubs require you to have good grades and good behavior in order to participate. 


Name as many clubs and/or sports that you might find in middle school.

Every school is different. Some schools have sports like soccer, Girls on the Run, basketball, football, dance, step or cheerleading. Some schools have clubs like art club, theater, band, chess club, or even cooking club. 


What if I get lost?

Ask an adult for help. Attend open house this year or in the summer to get familiar with the building and practice your schedule. Remember that everyone is nervous about this.


Do your grades in middle school affect your future?

YES. When you apply to high school, your middle school report cards will be included in your application. How well you do in middle school can affect what high school you get into, which can then affect what colleges you can get into.


Someone is spreading a mean rumor and dares you to pass it on. What can you say or do to stay out of the drama?

- Ignore it

- Say a strong NO

- Tell an adult

- Make a joke and move on

- Create a distraction 


Is there recess in middle school?

Yes and no - some schools have recess while others don't. Usually middle school recess is shorter than elementary school recess. 
