What is the rate of growth a child gains in weight and height?
"5-7 pounds and 2-3 inches per year" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
How many growth spurts does the brain go through at this age range?
"It goes through two growth spurts" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
How many children play soccer in the United States?
"Almost three million children in the United States" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What are factors that can limit children's access to sports?
Factors that can limit a child's access to sports are "gender, poverty level, location, ethnicity and disability" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What is BMI and what is it's use?
Body Mass Index, and "it is used for measuring excess weight" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What area gains strength and capacity during this time?
"The muscles and lungs" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What ages are the growth spurts at?
The first happens between "six and eight, and the second happens between ten and twelve" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What can be helped built from playing sports?
"Social skills, athletic ability, and build a sense of competition" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What are the top three reasons for a child dropping out of a sport?
"Girls :1. Lack fun, 2. Grades, 3. Health.
Boys: 1. Lack of fun, 2. Health, 3. Grades" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What is the percentage of six to eleven year olds who are considered obese as of 2015-2016?
"18.4% of children" in that age range were considered obese (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
When does this growth spurt begin?
"Before puberty" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What happens in the growth spurts?
The first growth spurt: "Fine motor and hand-eye coordination improvements.
The second growth spurt: The frontal lobe develops more and there is improvements in logic, memory and planning" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What has childhood sports participation been linked to?
Quality of life improvements, "such as more positive family levels, improved academic performances, and better physical and emotional development" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
Why are girls less likely to not play in sports?
Their fathers "may not be as supportive towards them as they are their sons" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What are some negative affects linked to being overweight?
Impaired brain functions, such as "working memory, decision making, mental flexibility and executive functioning" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What age is specified for the growth spurt?
"Nine years for girls and eleven years for boys" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What is the status of mylelination from the ages six to twelve?
The nerve cells are "nearly completely myelinated during this age range" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What is esports?
Video games being used as a form of competition. "It often uses a specific game" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What is the ratio of sports drop out in children?
The ratio is "one in three children" drop out of sports (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What is oblivobesity?
It is the parents "lack of recognition of their child being overweight or obese" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What skills are improved on during this stage?
Gross and fine motor skills, "such as riding a bike or cutting fingernails" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What are children able to better do at this stage?
Children are better at "planning, controlling emotional outbursts and are able to pay attention better" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
Why is physical education important for children?
It plays a "major role of introducing children to sports " (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
How does coaches receiving proper training affect drop out rates?
The dropout rate "lowers to 5% instead of 30%" (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).
What are negative social affects of being overweight or obese?
"Bullying and rejection by fellow peers", self-esteem and self-image issues (Lally & Valentine-French 2017).