Lead character sued by female employees for alleged sexual harassment.
Who is former Superintendent Dr. "Con-man" Conner?
Everybody gets at least a 60! And you don't even have to come to class!
What is the Middletown Public Schools Equitable Grading Policy?
I never went to class, & I still got an A!
What is the alleged statement by Math District Coordinator Yvonne Daniels (aka the alleged person causing math teachers to quit) regarding student truancy?
Minister of Propaganda
Who is alleged Communications Director Jessie Lavorgna?
Allegedly accepted exclusive "donated" tickets to see Nas perform at the Mohegan Sun Casino.
Who could be alleged BOE member Anita Dempsey White or a doppelgänger?
Allegedly donated over 10,000 books to at-risk students.
Who are the cast of The Conners?
First we form a circle, then we all hug.
What is the Restorative Justice for student discipline?
Data Science
What the elimination of offering algebra in 8th grade & implementation of the flawed Math Pathways?
A solution without a problem.
Who are over 10+ new BOE administrators added to the payroll in the last 2 years?
Just let Ahmad DJ at school!
What is alledged wife & BOE member Delita Rose Daniel's answer to everything?
Allegedly cost over $1 million.
What is the rumored legal bill & settlement MPS (ultimately tax payers) had to pay for Dr. Con-man's alleged actions?
They have been fighting since back in the day.
What is Chairwoman Deborah Cain's alleged response to parents concerns about fights at school as stated at a 2021 BOE meeting?
Surprise & concern.
What was Chairwoman Cain's alleged reaction to the school climate survey?
$150,000 + change
What is the alleged cost to MPS district per month for substitute teachers to combat teacher shortage?
That's disrespectful!
What are Chairwoman Deborah Cain's alleged comments to criticism from the public or fellow BOE members?
Stay in your lane
What is the mantra Chairwoman Cain allegedly told BOE members asking "too many" questions?
A myth, a rumor.
What are the MPS teachers allegedly buying some of their own supplies?
The sounds of silence
What is the response of the Democrat elected BOE members to veteran teachers voicing concerns about the hostile school environment at a spring 2023 BOE meeting?
What is the approximate rank of MPS out of 169+ CT districts? Aka BOE Delita Rose Daniel's alleged interpretation of MPS being ranked 150th in the country?
It's just on Tiktok now
What are the fictitiously frequent fights at Beman & MHS filmed & shared by students?
What was the BOE vote to allegedly fund the Harvard Analytics course paid for by Middletown taxpayers as a gratis perk for Dr. Conner in addition to his $190K salary & $15K mileage stipend?
Who are the bad guys in every situation according to Democrat indoctrination?
Not equitable.
What are things MPS BOE has removed such as mandatory homework, grades, & attendance to pass?
Change the Narrative.
Who is the BOE member allegedly serving on the Capital Prep Charter School Board and MPS BOE?
What are random acronyms used by educators & Democrats to confuse?