This shade-loving plant can close its leaves up when the sun is too harsh.
What is redwood sorrel?
This is the year that Midpen was founded.
What is 1972?
This frog is one of the most important prey species for the San Francisco Garter Snake.
What is the California red-legged frog?
This preserve contains two publicly accessible ponds, 1,133 acres open to the public, one Nature Center and 12.5 miles of trail.
What is Skyline Ridge Open Space Preserve?
This is the only preserve where it is technically illegal to pee.
What is El Corte de Madera Creek Open Space Preserve?
This plant is one of the species that is most susceptible to sudden oak death.
What is tanoak?
This was the first Midpen preserve that was purchased with the help of our partners at POST.
What is Windy Hill Open Space Preserve?
This native bird species is the closest relative to the famously extinct passenger pigeon.
What is the band-tailed pigeon?
This preserve has 617 acres of publicly accessible land, but only 0.25 miles of publicly accessible trail.
What is Teague Hill Open Space Preserve?
This preserve contains the 10,000th acre that Midpen protected.
What is Monte Bello and Rancho San Antonio? (trick question!)
This relative of cashews and mangoes has leaves that turn bright red in the fall.
What is poison oak?
This was the original name for the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District before it was renamed in 1977.
What is Midpeninsula Regional Parks District?
These birds are some of the primary predators of Marbled Murrelet eggs and nestlings.
What are corvids? (jays, ravens and crows are also correct answers).
This preserve has the highest mileage of publicly accessible trails (36.3 miles).
What is El Corte de Madera Creek Open Space Preserve?
This preserve bears the name of a ghost town that was once located nearby.
What is Purisima Creek Redwoods Open Space Preserve?
This plant's red berries are an important food source for wildlife in the late fall and the winter.
What is Toyon?
This environmental non-profit, which is still active in our area, was instrumental in the founding of Midpen.
What is Green Foothills?
The Highway 17 undercrossing will help connect wildlife from the Santa Cruz Mountains to these two mountain ranges.
What are the Diablo Range and Gabilan Range?
This preserve has the fewest parking spaces (Not including preserves with 0 parking spaces).
What is Foothills Open Space Preserve?
This preserve was once home to James Folger (of Folgers coffee fame).
What is Thornewood Open Space Preserve?
These bright yellow flowers are well-adapted to disturbances such as grazing.
What are suncups?
This was the original name for Rancho San Antonio Open Space Preserve.
What is Permanente Creek Open Space Preserve?
This reptile that is native to Midpen preserves shoots blood out of its eyes when threatened.
What is Blainville's horned lizard?
This preserve has the most public restrooms.
What is Sierra Azul Open Space Preserve? (4)
This is the only ball sport specifically prohibited in Midpen's ordinances.
What is golf?