By the numbers

According to lecture, privilege these three things

What is 1) an Unearned advantage; 2) An asset; 3) a benefit given to someone because of perceived membership?


According to Cameron Russell, she became a model because of what two factors

What is legacy and genetic lottery


What percentages of college scholarships are restricted to students of color

What is less than 1 percent


Ruled in 1896, this court case established separate but equal

What is Plessy v Fergusson?


According to Briggs, this group was most likely to receive a warning during a traffic stop

White women


These filter or strain out information inconsistent with the dominant racial frame/expectations

What are stereotypes?


According to Peggy McIntosh white privilege represents

What is an Invisible weightless knapsack containing passports, maps, clothes, tools, codebooks (also an ATM)


More subtle and can be seen as accepting, sanctioning, & permitting racism (complicity)

What is passive racism?


Whiteness was as much an asset as __ years of work experience for perspective employees

What is 8 years?


Discussed in lecture and films, each of these pieces legislation are examples of race-based privilege

FHA Loans, Social Security, Minimum Wage, 1790 Naturalization


Ignoring the obstacles below was cited as an example of this

What is colorblind racism?


According to lecture, stereotypes function in these 4 ways

1) Index; 2)A filter; 3)A narrative; 4) Filling in gaps that offer explanations and also rationalizes inequalities


This comes to people simply because they happen to belong to a particular social category

What is privilege?


Those brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities (such as questioning where someone is friend or using outdated terms), whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color'

What are micoaggressionsi?


As with experiences of Jose, research at MIT found that applicants with "white sounding names"  were ____ more likely percent more likely to receive a callback after submitting a resume than were those with black or Muslim sounding names

What is 50 percent?


Following the Indian Removal Act, the U.S. forcefully removed the Cherokee nation from their lands at gunpoint. One-fourth of the Cherokee nation died in camps or during the movement west. This was known as what?

What is Trail of Tears?


What happen to Joy DeGruy

Her sister-in-law, who looks white, was treated much differently than her at super market, using her privilege to challenge racism


To combat stereotypes, Brent Staples did this while walking the streets of Chicago

Whistle Vivaldi and Beatles


Acknowledging privilege is difficult because

what is it challenges meritocracy; it makes one accountable; it illustrates the impact of racism; highlights that descriptive colorblindness is incorrect


According to Jay Smooth, the key for a transformative conversation about racism is having a _____ conversation

What is a what you did (or that  thing you did) conversation?


What percentage of white Americans believe they face discrimination in similar ways as people of color

What is 50 to 60 percent?


Illustrating the ways that race is constructed through the state, she was found to be 'genetically black' and therefore legally black

Who is Susie Phipps


Similar to Gwen Ifil's idea of "Missing white women syndrome," He concluded that “white women were more likely to be subject to news coverage relative to their proportions among missing person"

Who is Sommers?


Refers to idea that stereotypes tend to be reinforced when new information fits them, while information that negates a stereotype tends to be rejected

What is self-fulfilling prophecy 


Using examples such as being able to work from home during COVID or being able to walk through campus without fear of violence, according to class lecture, privilege is not just an unearned advantaged but also this

What is the way things should be?


According to Williams, this is the opposite of color-blindness

What is multiculturalism?


As noted in article by Bonilla-Silva, the rate of food insecurity for whites fluctuated from 7 percent to 10 percent from 2001 to 2016, but for Blacks and Latinos, it was ____ & ______ percent

What is 17 and 27?


A legal principle of racial classification that concluded that a person with a single black ancestor, this established the basis of American race theory (ideas about race), shaping who could become a citizen, immigration laws, who had access to certain places and spaces, who could vote, and much more

What is the one drop rule?


What are the 4 frames of colorblindness as noted in lecture/by Bonilla-Silva

abstract liberalism (“explaining racial matters in an abstract, decontextualized manner), naturalization (naturalizing racialized outcomes), cultural racism (“attributing racial differences to cultural practices”), and minimization of racism.


According to Fryberg, what are 4 key features of stereotypes?

What are

  • Stereotypes exist in the world, not simply inside individual minds
  • stereotypes are reflected and inscribed in the practices, policies, and institutions that comprise society; 
  • Stereotypes are enacted in everyday, interpersonal behavior;
  • Stereotypes are powerful and influential in the performance of minorities)

He was first scholar to advance study of white privilege?

Who is W.E.B. DuBois


They found that African Americans who lack any sort of criminal record still are less likely to secure a job than a white man recently release from prison.

Who is Devah Praeger


Despite widespread stereotypes and prejudices, ____ percent of Native women who’ve experienced violence, has experienced from a non-Native was the perpetrator

What is 97%


Discussed in Race: Power of Illusion (Part 2), the Supreme Court ruled in that people of African ancestry, enslaved or free, could never become citizens of the United States. The opinion stated that black people "had no rights which the white man was bound to respect."

What is Dred Scott


The image on the RIGHT side can best be described as


As mentioned in class, I think the image below is better because current institutional arrangements and history that pro therefore it is not out differences but the way people are and in unequal ways


This research found that when performance was linked to "natural athletic ability" through testing them on the Michigan Athletic Aptitude Test, whites did more poorly than blacks

Stone research


Justin Ford calls for us to take for steps in regard to privilege?

What is 1) recognize the intersectionality of privileges; 2) move beyond pockets of privilege; 3) Look at privilege in situational ways; 4) look internally?


According to John Oliver, the experiences of Pacific Islanders and Puerto Ricans are one of _____________?

What is political disenfranchisement (not being able to vote)?


David Baldus that minorities in Georgia were 1.7 times more likely to receive a death sentence than whites in capital offense trials. Death sentences were also ____ times more likely when the victim in a case was white.

What is 4.3 times?


In his poem, "White Man's Burden," Kipling write, "Take up the white man's burden, send forth the best ye breed. Go, bind your sons to exile, To serve your captives' need; To wait, in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild- Your new-caught sullen peoples, Half devil and half child." This worldview became a "rallying cry for empire and a racial justification to send American troops" to what 4 places?

What is Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines?


Belief that “person’s success, opportunities, and life chances are the consequence of choices, hard work, and the worthiness of a person’s effort”

What is meritocracy?


Argued by Claude Steele, this refers to idea that people perform worse when faced with circumstances that will potentially reinforce a stereotype

What is stereotype threat?
