whats one of egypts oldest discoverys
the lucy skeleton
What are canals
water passages
How do you get to nirvana
by reaching true happiness and peace
whats the climate in asia
What are hominids
whyd they build the pyramids so tall
to prepare for the new world
what is irrigation
Water system
Whats nirvana
The goal to reach for buddhism
whats a land bridge
a connection with 2 pieces of land
What are neanderthals
early humans
what are heiroglyphics
the egyptian hand writing
What did farming cause
it caused permanent settlements
Where did hindiusm come from
what is the silk road
a trade road linking china with the west
what was a caste system
what river is in egypt
the nile river
What was the function of the wheel
they helped roll heavy things
Whos the founder of hinduism
there was none
What river gave silt
the nile river
what is the analects
the sayings of confucius
why were pyramids made
to bring things to the after life
Why were canals created
where did buddhism come from
from asia
whats the mountain range in china
The malaysian mountains
what is cultural diffusion