2-D Kinematics
Va wrt Vb
Circular Motion
Wild Card!!
Newton's second law
What is F=ma
When in free fall, this is acceleration in y
What is gravity
V(AB) + V(BC) = ?
What is V(AC)
the magnitude of the acceleration of a rock stuck in the wheel of a bicycle moving in nonuniform motion wrt the tangential and centripetal (radial) accelerations
What is a = (ac^2+at^2)^1/2
the first 2 things you should do for every single problem
What is draw a picture (or FBD) and define a coordinate system
The forces acting on a box resting on a table
What is normal force and weight (force of gravity)
During projectile motion, acceleration in x is this
What is 0
The symbol you would write for the velocity of a boat produced purely by the motor (hint* what it would be if there was no current)
What is V(BW)
the direction of centripetal acceleration
What is toward the center of the circle (radially inward)
(draw a picture with theta from y-axis) the y component of this vector B in terms of theta
What is B*cos(theta)
the formula for the force of gravity (AKA weight)
What is mg
These are independent of each other
What is motion in x and motion in y
You're walking at a speed of 5 m/s on a moving sidewalk (like at an airport) that is moving at a speed of 3 m/s. What is your velocity from the perspective of someone sitting at their gate?
What is 8 m/s (V(PS)+V(SG) = V(PG))
the relation between linear kinematics and rotational kinematics
What is x ~ theta, v ~ omega, a~alpha
the direction of the normal force
What is perpendicular to the surface
an object with some mass m hangs by a rope, what is the tension through the rope? Show me ALL steps like you would in the exam!
What is T=mg, check for FBD, coordinate system, and Newton's second law too
a ball is thrown a horizontal distance D with a horizontal velocity Vx before it hits the ground. determine the height from which the ball was thrown in terms of Vx, D, and g.
What is -gD^2/2Vx^2
a swimmer swims at a speed of 4 m/s. the river has a current of 3 m/s perpendicular to the swimmer. it takes the swimmer 30 seconds to get to other bank. What is their velocity (magnitude and direction) wrt someone on the ground? How far down from their starting position are they?
What is 5 m/s 53 deg CCW from + x, 90 m
a penny of mass m sits on a record with radius r rotating with a constant velocity of omega rad/s. There is some u_s between the penny and the record. what is the maximum omega where the penny doesn't slide off the record?
Newtons broken down into more simple units
What is kg*m/s^2
objectQ with some mass m hanging by a rope connected to 2 other ropes at angles alpha and theta from the horizontal. What is the tension through all 3 ropes in terms of m, g, theta, and phi?
What is T1=mg, T2=mg/(cosalphatantheta+sinalpha) OR T2=mgcostheta/(cosalphasintheat+sinalphacostheta), T3=mgcosalpha/((cosalphatantheta+sinalpha)costheta) OR T3=mgcosthetacosalpha/((cosalphasintheta+sinalphacostheta)costheta)
a rocket accelerates from rest with an acceleration a1 for a vertical distance D. The engine then runs out of fuel. what is the max height the rocket reaches in terms of a1, D, and g?
What is (a1D/g)+D (or others)
A plane flying theta degrees north of east has a velocity Vpa due to its engine. The wind is blowing at a velocity Vag coming in from the north. What is the direction of the plane (phi) wrt someone on the ground in terms of Vpa, Vag, and theta?
What is tan^-1((Vpasintheta-Vag)/Vpacostheta)
clock starts off on time but slows to a stop over 24 hours, what is the angular acceleration of the minute hand?
What is -2.03e-8 rad/s^2
Newton's 1st law
What is an object in motion stays in motion/an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by a great enough force