Masquerades as science but does not follow the scientific rules of evidence
Examples for Pseudo-Science
Aliens: most sightings are Venus, no physical evidence for alien visit
UFOs =
Meteors, typically very small (pebble- to car-sized) rocks burning up in the Earth atmosphere
“Shooting Stars”
A planet with environmental conditions under which life could potentially arise or survive.
Habitable Planet
The sum total of all matter and energy, that is, all galaxies and everything within and between them.
Universe (or cosmos):
Establishes “truths” through beliefs which are not subject to doubt or rebuttal or verification
Examples for Pseudo-Science
Usually based on underestimating the sophistication of ancient cultures, and/or misinterpreting the evidence.
Ancient Astronauts
Not physical structures - sets of stars that happen to align in a way that resemble figure. With the movement of the stars the figures change and dissolve (~tens of thousands of years).
An object that orbits a planet; the term satellite can refer to any object orbiting another object.
Moon or Satellite
How far is a light year (ly)?
1 ly is the distance the light travels in 1 year. Fixed distance, because light travels at constant speed in space. c = 298,000 km/s At the speed of light, you could circle Earth 8 times in 1 second!
Any system where there is a selective use of evidence (for example, advertising that only shows a particular point of view)
Distorted science
Does it Matter?
Fuzzy thinking leaves you open to con men, tricksters, charlatans. Rational thinking protects you.
Many problems in your life and in the society cannot be solved without logic, data, and rational thinking.
Moderately large object that orbits a star and shines primarily by reflecting light from its star. May be rocky or gaseous. Based on IAU definition:
1. orbits a star;
2. large enough for its own gravity to make it round;
3. has cleared most other objects from its path.
A relatively small and ice-rich object that orbits a star.
Sound travels at a speed of 340 meters per second. In analogy to the light-year, what does 1 sound-minute equal?
A. The time sound takes to travel 340 meters.
B. The time delay of a sound heard 340 meters away.
C. The distance traveled by sound in 1 minute.
D. The speed of sound 1 minute later.
C. The distance traveled by sound in 1 minute.
Examples for Pseudo-Science
Not subject to testing or verification, confirmation bias is very strong
Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
Three concepts central to our study
1. Universe is vast and old.
2. Elements of Life are widespred
3. The same physical laws that operate on Earth and the entire universe.
Does not meet 3) --> designated as a “dwarf planet” Not to scale
Small (~1-500 km) rocky object in the Solar System, mostly devoid of ices
A powerful theory that describes the connections between space, time, and mass
Albert Einstein develops the Theory of General Relativity GR
Examples for Pseudo-Science
Does not consider the full evidence of fossils, DNA, radioactive dating; selective use of evidence and intentional misinterpretation.
Large, glowing balls of gas that generate heat and light through nuclear fusion in their cores
Stars (including Sun)
A planet that orbits a star other than the Sun.
Extrasolar Planet
Great island of stars in space, containing a few hundred million to a trillion or more stars, held together by gravity.
No center of expansion
Galaxies are all moving apart from each other