Two sided drum from the Punjab region used in bhangra
What is a dhol?
What is Mexico? Or What is Mexico and the U.S.?
The three aspects of a soundscape, in Kay Kaufman Shelemay's definition
What are sound, setting, and significance?
Tuvan throat-singing (or khoomi) is unique for the way a single voice creates two ___________.
What are pitches?
Compiling a list of known sources on a given topic
What is bibliography?
West African "talking drums"
What are atumpan?
Raga Nilambari
What is India?
Christopher Small's theory that turns music from a noun into a verb.
What is musicking?
The French word that describes the quality of a sound
What is timbre?
The two branches of research methods used in musicology
What are historical and anthropological?
A small, folk guitar from Mexico used in mariachi music
What is a vihuela?
The study of signs, using designations such as icon, index, and symbol
What are semiotics?
A raga is a collection of pitches similar to this Western concept
What is a scale?
An anthropological method that involves the researcher getting involved with the culture and activity they are researching
What is participant observation?
Bach's Prelude in G Major,which we studied in our unit on soundscapes, was composed for this instrument and performed by Yo Yo Ma
What is a cello?
Yi Fu Tuan defines this as a "center of felt meaning."
What is place?
Pitches played in succession
What is melody?
A location that stores and preserves one-of-a-kind and unpublished research materials
What is an archive?
A drone-sustaining instrument in Karnatak (South Indian) music
What is a tanpura?
What is India? Or what is Mumbai?
Composer Pauline Oliveros makes a distinction between this and hearing
What is listening? Or what is deep listening?
The jhummar, which underlies a bhangra performance, helps listeners track this element of music
What is pulse/beat? Or what is duration?
The document a researcher uses to navigate archival holdings?