Key Theories and Perspectives
Developmental Stages and Crises
Learning and Social Theories
Attachment and Temperament
Systems and Contexts of Development

This approach emphasizes the interaction of biological, psychological, and societal systems in influencing human development.

What is the Biopsychosocial approach?


Erikson’s first stage of psychosocial development, occurring in infancy, is characterized by this conflict.

What is Trust vs. Mistrust?


This type of learning occurs when a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a reflexive response.

What is Classical Conditioning?


This type of attachment is characterized by a child’s distress when a caregiver leaves and comfort when they return.

What is Secure Attachment?


This model suggests that development is influenced by multiple layers of environmental systems, including microsystems, mesosystems, exosystems, macrosystems, and chronosystems.

What is Bronfenbrenner’s Bio-ecological Model?


According to this theory, human behaviors are influenced by inherited traits that increase chances of survival and reproduction.

What is Evolutionary Theory?


In Piaget's theory, this stage involves symbolic thought but limited logical reasoning and occurs from ages 2 to 7.

What is the Preoperational stage?


A form of learning in which behavior is shaped by reinforcement or punishment.

What is Operant Conditioning?


According to Bowlby, attachment behaviors are biologically programmed to enhance this.

What is Survival and Protection?


This theory views development as a complex, dynamic process shaped by interactions among biological, cognitive, and environmental systems over time.

What is Dynamic Systems Theory?


Freud proposed that unconscious conflicts among this trio of personality structures influence behavior.

What are the Id, Ego, and Superego?


According to Vygotsky, children learn best when tasks are within this range, which requires assistance from more knowledgeable others.

What is the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)?


According to Bandura, this type of learning occurs through observing and imitating others.

What is Observational Learning?


This attachment style involves anxiety and uncertainty, with the child showing extreme distress upon separation and ambivalence upon reunion.

What is Anxious-Ambivalent Attachment?


This concept refers to the capacity for change in response to environmental demands, highlighting the potential for reorganization and adaptation throughout life.

What is Plasticity?


This cognitive developmental theory emphasizes stages of mental growth, including Sensorimotor and Formal Operational thought.

What is Piaget’s Cognitive Developmental Theory?


This Eriksonian crisis in adolescence involves exploring identity and achieving a sense of self.

What is Identity vs. Role Confusion?


This theory suggests that behavior is shaped by societal expectations and stereotypes based on roles.

What is Social Role Theory?


Temperament refers to a child’s characteristic emotional reactivity and self-regulation. This temperament type is generally positive and adaptable to new experiences.

What is an Easy Temperament?


According to the psychosocial perspective, this system is responsible for integrating and evaluating experiences to make sense of the world.

What is the Meaning-Making System?


According to this theorist, cognitive development is heavily influenced by social interactions and cultural context.

Who is Vygotsky?


Piaget’s final stage of cognitive development involves abstract reasoning and hypothetical thinking.

 What is the Formal Operational stage?


In Social Learning Theory, the belief in one's ability to succeed influences motivation and behavior.

What is Self-efficacy?


This type of attachment is characterized by a lack of a coherent strategy for dealing with separation and reunion, often linked to fear or confusion.

What is Disorganized Attachment?


This system emphasizes the interdependence of elements and the multidimensional sources of influence on development, including cultural, social, biological, and environmental factors.

What is Systems Theory?
