Winner of the 1931 Nobel Peace Prize for her leadership in the settlement house movement and is known as the founder of Hull House in Chicago.
Who is Jane Addams?
Governmental rules that establish what people and entities can and cannot do, with penalties for breaking them.
What are regulations?
An organized group of workers who come together to make decisions about the conditions of their work.
Labor regulation that allowed for payroll tax-created funds to injured workers but eliminated the right to sue employers.
What is Workmen's Compensation?
Who are Protestants and Catholics?
The author of the classic early social work book, Social Diagnosis, which established a technique of social casework.
Who is Mary Richmond?
The belief that people in government could bring about answers to social problems and inequalities caused by modernization.
What is Progressivism?
The transformational change instituted by the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.
What is the right of women to vote?
Prompted the beginning of child welfare policy at the national level, in 1912, but with limited funding.
What is the Children's Bureau?
In 1848, this was the first national meeting to discuss women's issues, abolition, and women's right to vote.
The founder of the Standard Oil Company and perhaps the wealthiest American of all time.
Who is John D. Rockefeller?
The process of rapid economic transformation from simple production to more complex manufacturing processes (railroads, fuels, steel, factories, etc.).
What is industrialization?
The 1896 US Supreme Court decision that instituted "separate, but equal" facilities for African Americans.
What is Plessy v Ferguson?
Early social program that provided limited financial assistance to women who met certain "deserving" criteria.
What are Mother's Pensions?
This term distinguishes stark differences between the powerful upper earners and the lowest economic classes (poorest) in a society.
What is income inequality?
Widely persuaded physicians in the 1920s to prescribe birth control to women in a movement to increase sexual freedom and health.
Who is Margaret Sanger?
Fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign.
What is xenophobia?
Legislation aimed at preventing the formation and maintenance of business monopolies.
What is the Sherman Anti-Trust Act?
What is Aftercare?
This legislation (and year) limited rates of entry into the US to people from specific nationalities.
What is the Immigration Act of 1924?
African American woman journalist and advocate who was well known for her activism in anti-lynching and promoting women's suffrage.
Who is Ida B. Wells?
This societal phenomenon led to a steady stream of cheap labor during the Gilded Age.
What is immigration?
The organization that was created in 1924 that essentially limited the free movement of Mexican immigrants into the US.
The social movement that fostered adult education, job training, social clubs, kindergartens, etc. to improve individual and community well-being.
What is the Settlement House Movement?
What is the Pullman Strike (1894)?