The occupation of William Blake
What is an artisan or professional engraver?
The major world event that influenced Wordsworth
What is the French Revolution?
People generally saw Coleridge politically as a...
What is a radical?
Shelley believed in this type of protest
What is nonviolent protest?
What is an apothecary?
The most famous poem collections of Blake
Who is Samuel Taylor Coleridge?
Later in life, Coleridge became addicted to...
What is opium?
Shelley married this famous woman who wrote "Frankenstein"
Who is Mary Shelley?
Ironically, after his former career path, Keats dies of this disease
What is tuberculosis?
Besides his poetry, Blake is also known for his popular...
What is his popular prophetic engravings?
The form Wordsworth's poems are written in
What is blank verse?
The poem "Eolian Harp" is written in this style
What is blank verse?
The form of "The Mask of Anarchy" is known as a...
What is a ballad?
Keats' inspiration for his Great Odes came from experimenting with this poetic genre
What is a sonnet?
In "The Chimney Sweeper," the character who got his head shaved is known as
Who is Tom Dacre?
Who succeeded Wordsworth as the Poet Laureate after his death?
Who is Tennyson?
After the mariner puts the albatross on his neck, this happens to make it fall off his neck
What is after the mariner blesses the sea snakes?
The main focus of "The Mask of Anarchy" is to...
What is to encourage nonviolent resistance?
Keats got his inspiration to write "To Autumn" after this person died
The focus of Blake's poetry tends to be on...
What is individual, creative self-realization?
In "Tintern Abbey," the main focus of the message is on...
What is...
1. The relation of man and nature
2. Memory of nature
3. Returns, change, and mutability of nature
In "ROTAM," the main focus of the message is on...
What is
1. making sense of what we don't understand
2. guilt and redemption
"The Masque of Anarchy" is responding to this event
What is the Peterloo Massacre?
In "To Autumn," the main message is on...
What is autumn's fruitfulness, its labour and its ultimate decline