American Revolution
Declaring Independence
British Empire
Slavery in the Atlantic World and the United States
Westward Expansion
Early U.S.
Hamilton and Jefferson

This was the slogan of the American Revolution.

No Taxation without Representation


Thomas Jefferson originally included a criticism of this in the Declaration of Independence.

The slave trade (or, the king's role in the slave trade)


The "Join or Die" political cartoon was first created to encourage colonists to unite in fighting this war.

French and Indian War (or: Seven Years' War)


The biggest and most successful slave revolt in the Western Hemisphere was in this country.



Jefferson doubled the size of the U.S. when he bought this from Napoleon.

The Louisiana Purchase


The first 10 Amendments to the Constitution are called this.

The Bill of Rights


He loved a strong centralized government.



John Adams defended the British soldiers who had fired into a crowd in the incident that American colonists called this.

The Boston Massacre


John Locke had said, "Life, liberty, and property," but Jefferson made this  change to the phrase.

Pursuit of happiness instead of property


American colonists objected to the lack of this in the British Parliament.



During the Revolutionary Era, the northern United States began to do this with slavery.

Gradual emancipation over an extended period of time.

President Thomas Jefferson sent these two men west to explore all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

Lewis and Clark


What unique system means that even though Americans vote for President, the President is not actually directly elected by the popular vote?

The electoral college


He shot Alexander Hamilton while he was the Vice President of the U.S.

Aaron Burr


This Act angered American colonists by taxing anything involving paper.

Stamp Act


This act of protest was an expensive and symbolic act of vandalism, in which American Patriots boarded a ship at night dressed like caricatures of Native Americans.

Boston Tea Party


The British Parliament claimed that American colonists had this form of representation.

Virtual representation


This compromise in the U.S. Constitution benefitted the southern states by allowing them to claim that they represented enslaved people in Congress.

The 3/5 Compromise

Dr. McCoy thinks this woman was the real hero of the scientific expedition officially called the Corps of Discovery. 



Historians generally agree that one of the most important things George Washington ever did was to set this standard for presidential terms.

Stop being president after two terms and support a peaceful transfer of power


Despite the hope of the founders of the U.S. that voters would not divide into political factions, these two political parties formed during George Washington's time as president.

Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans (aka Democratic Republicans)


During the Revolutionary War, George Washington made the decision to require troops to do this, even though it was controversial at the time. The war almost certainly could not have been won without this medical decision.

Smallpox innoculations


What truths do we hold to be self-evident in the Declaration of Independence?

That all men are created equal. (And that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.)


This British intellectual's ideas about popular sovereignty were an important influence on the American Revolution.

John Locke


Jefferson expressed conflicted sentiments about slavery, calling it this, meaning practical but wrong.

"Necessary evil"


The American victory in the Revolution meant an enormous loss for these people, whose land rights had been relatively more protected by the British and French.

Native Americans (Indigenous Americans)

One of the earliest amendments to the U.S. Constitution (after the first 10) was needed to fix the way that this was selected.

Vice Presidents


One unintended consquence of Jefferson's Embargo of 1807, is that it increased this segment of the northern economy.



The Declaratory Act said this.

That Parliament had the legal authority to impose laws on the colonists (especially regarding taxes).


This group of leading American men met in the summer in Philadelphia to decide how best to resist the British government. 

Continental Congress


This system of government in the British Empire meant that American colonists had certain rights that even the king was not supposed to trample on.

Constitutional monarchy (Or, Parliament and monarch)


This enslaved woman became a famous poet during the Revolutionary Era.

Phillis Wheatley


He wanted an "Empire of Liberty" in the west made up of small family farms.



The establishment of the Senate and the House of Representatives in Congress represents a compromise between these two kinds of states.

Ones with large and small populations.


Hamilton wrote most of these essays, which urged Americans to ratify the new Constitution of the United States of America.

The Federalist Papers


One of the advantages the Americans had in the Revolution was that they had learned to fight this style of warfare in the North American forests, from their previous wars against Native Americans.

Guerrilla warfare


This patriot said "Give me liberty or give me death!"

Patrick Henry


The British surrendered in the Revolutionary War after this country declared it would be an ally of the Americans.



Enslaved people in the U.S. engaged in a range of resistance, including at least two of these.

Sabotage, slow work, "stealing" from the owner, running away, revolting


The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 said that this would not be allowed in the new territories formed in the northwest after the Revolution.



During this incident, President George Washington led troops to suppress a violent revolt from grain farmers who were upset about taxes on alcohol.

The Whiskey Rebellion


She was enslaved by Thomas Jefferson and was the mother of several of his children.

Sally Hemings


This form of government that preceded the U.S. Constitution only granted to the national government the power to declare war, conduct foreign affairs, and make treaties with other governments.

The Articles of Confederation


He wrote this in The American Crisis, "Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.” 

Thomas Paine


The British Empire was the most powerful empire in the west, but had these disadvantages in the Revolutionary War (name at least two).

Red uniforms and traditional ways of fighting; didn't have the best general; were not fighting for their homes; not fighting for their freedom; fighting in land and terrain they did not know well; the Americans just had to outlast them.


For these reasons, more people who were enslaved and taken across the Middle Passage were sold in Central and South America than in North America.

The sugar industry treated enslaved people as disposable and enslaved more people to replace them; the model of slavery in the U.S. was built on the reproduction of enslaved people, so most people who were enslaved in the U.S. were born there.


The Treaty of Fort Stanwix forced these people to give up much of their land in Ohio.

The Iroquois Confederacy


This legal doctrine said that a married woman's legal identity was completely covered up by her husband's, so that in a legal sense she did not exist while she was married. She could therefore not vote, earn her own wages, sign contracts, and more.



During John Adams' presidency, these laws punished the political opponents of the Federalists, including deporting immigrants and limiting the freedom of the press.

Alien and Sedition Acts
