Whats above South America?
The north part of America
Who was the king that came after Ferdinand the 7th?
Joseph Bonaparte
What was the battle the Spanish lost and continued to lose land?
Battle of Ayacucho
What did Napoleon do after his coup?
He declared himself king
Rough, cowboy like, unofficial spanish people
Where is the Atlas?
Where Kevonte lives (Africa)
Who made Joseph the king of Spain?
This event is what kickstarted the War of Independence?
Grito de Dolores
What are two countries Napoleon defeated between 1803 and 1808?(name any two)
Prussia, Spain, Russia, and Italy
Mestizo Ranchers that speak either Native American or Disconnected Spanish
Where is the Arabian Desert?
Saudia Arabia
Who was the king of Spain before the napoleonic conquest?
King Ferdinand the 7th
What was the meeting of the Rebels?
Congress of Angostura
Why did Napoleon overthrow the Directory?
He considered it a weak and Corrupt government
People born on the peninsula of Spain and Portugal
Where is the Rockies?
Near Colorado
Who was the catholic priest led the war for independence representing mixed race people?
Miguel hidalgo
What was the Spanish Constitution supposed to do?
To turn Spain into a constitutional monarchy
Where was Napoleon exiled?
People from Africa or Europe but born in The Americas
Where is the Gobi Dessert?
Who was the prince of Portugal?
Dom Pedro
What was the goal for the Rebellion?
Make a republic Gran Colombia
Why did Napoleon invade Russia?
Russia went around the continental system
Person of spanish and native blood