Regulatory Frameworks
Financial Reforms, Policies, Fiscal Stimulus & Regulatory Changes
Risk Management in Electronic Banking
Compliance and Legal Issues in Electronic Banking
General Knowledge

Are international regulatory frameworks developed by the BCBS. They focus on capital adequacy, stress testing, and risk management to enhance the stability of the global banking system.

Basel Accords


_______ aim to improve the efficiency, stability, and fairness of the financial system.

Financial Reforms


_______is a broad term applied to activities involving updating banking and online accounts over a computer network or automated system.

Electronic Banking


_______ in the Philippines are subject to the same AML regulations as traditional banks.

Digital Banks


What is the term for the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and subsequently, purchasing power is falling?



An intergovernmental organization that designs and promotes policies and standards to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

Financial Action Task Force (FATF)


Introduced in 2014, this allows banks to park excess reserves at the BSP at a higher interest rate than usual. This aims to manage liquidity and prevent excessive credit growth, helping maintain financial stability.

Special Deposit Facility (SDF)


A type of risk which arises from the potential for loss due to significant deficiencies in system reliability or integrity.

Operational Risk


It is one of the key circulars  which outlines the guidelines for   AML   and   Countering   the Financing  of  Terrorism  (CFT)  for digital banks in the Philippines.

Circular No. 1108


What term describes the reduction in the value of an asset with the passage of time, due in particular to wear and tear?



What are the 3 Pillars of Basel III?

Pillar 1: Enhanced Minimum Capital and Liquidity Requirements

Pillar 2: Enhanced Supervisory Review Process for Film-wide Risk Management & Capital Planning

Pillar 3: Enhanced Risk Disclosure Market Discipline


This unconventional monetary policy involved central banks purchasing large amounts of government bonds to inject liquidity into the economy during the 2008 financial crisis.

Quantitative Easing


The risk for the bank to experience significant negative public opinion that may result in "losing popularity" with existing and potential customers.

Reputational Risk


_____ enables  authorities  to  investigate  money  laundering  and  other financial  crimes,  protecting  financial  institutions  and  deterring criminals  from  using  the  Philippines  as  a  money  laundering destination.

Anti-Money  Laundering  Act  (AMLA)  of  2001,  or  RA  9160


Identify the type of financial instrument that represents ownership in a corporation and represents a claim on part of the corporation's assets and earnings.



What are the three Legal Instruments to prevent the use of the financial system for illicit activities?

L1: Anti-Money Laundering Strategies

L2: Anti-Money Laundering Enforcement

L3: Extradition & Unlawful Asset Recovery


Raising interest rates makes borrowing more _______, which can help slow down _______. In periods of rapid economic growth, higher rates can prevent the economy from overheating by curbing excessive _______ and _______.

expensive; inflation; spending and borrowing


What are the violations that will lead the arises of the legal risk?

  i. non-conformance with laws

  ii. non-conformance with rules and regulations

  iii. Not well established legal rights and obligations


It is the practice of protecting sensitive information and systems in the banking sector from unauthorized access, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.



This term describes the financial strategy of borrowing money to increase the potential return of an investment. What is it called?



In the context of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorist Financing (CTF), enumerate the components of:

1. Asset Protection

2. Disclosure Policies 

3. Effectiveness Evaluation

Asset Protection: SCC (Securing Core Capital); SSC (Securing Supplementary Capital); SL (Securing Liquidity)

Disclosure Policies: DETP - Detection Procedures; IEDP (Internal & External Disclosure Policies); Know Your Employee (KYE) Policies

Effectiveness Evaluation: ORA (Operational Risk Assessment); DPA (Disclosure Policy Assessment)


Provide 5 famous Global Regulatory Changes in Finance.

1. Glass-Steagall Act (USA, 1933)

2. Sarbanes-Oxley Act (USA, 2002)

3. Basel Accords (Global, 1988-present)

4. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (USA, 2010):

5. China's Capital Account Liberalization (ongoing)

6. European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018)

7. India's Aadhaar Scheme (2009)

8. Global Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Regulations

9. Crypto-asset Regulations (emerging)

10. Sustainable Finance Regulations (emerging)


Fraud risk in electronic banking includes _______, _______, and_______.

identity theft, phishing scams, and unauthorized transactions


Identify each of the following:

i. Tricking victims into giving personal informations

ii. A cyber threat that encrypts important data and prevents owners from accessing it until they pay a high cost or ransom.

iii. Deceptive programs that appear to perform one function, but in fact perform another, malicious function.

iv. The act of disguising a communication from an unknown source as being from a known, trusted source.

v. Exposing customers financial informations

i. Phishing

ii. Ransomware

iii. Trojans

iv. Spoofing

v. Data Breach


What is the name of the financial instrument that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a specified price on or before a specified date?

