What do you call the channel where magma travels to reach Earth’s surface?
Main vent
What do you call the location on the Earth's surface right above the focus?
a. focus
b. epicenter
c. seismic wave
d. fault
B. Epicenter
What do you call a repeating path that objects in space follows as it moves?
In which phase does the size of the Moon appear to increase?
Waxing phase
Lunar Eclipse only takes place during ____ ______.
What should be the words on the blank?
Full moon
What do you call volcanoes that are not related with plate boundaries?
In this fault, rock above the fault moves down.
What fault is this?
Normal Fault
How many days does it take the Earth to revolve around the Sun?
What do you call how we see the Moon from the Earth due to sunlight?
What do you call the lighter part of the shadow where light is partially blocked?
Below are descriptions of a certain volcano:
- Explosive eruptions
- Along convergent plate boundary
- Large and Steep-sided
- Has multiple side vents
What is this?
Composite Volcano
Below are descriptions of a certain seismic wave:
- Rolling or elliptical motion particle motion
- Speed: Slowest
- Causes the most damage on Earth's surface
What is this?
Surface waves
Why do we have changes in season?
Because of (1) Tilt of Earth's rotation axis & (2) Earth's motion around the Sun
What do you call the solidified lava on Moon's surface?
What causes the daily rise and fall of sea level?
Position and gravity of Sun and the Moon
What do you call the stickiness of substance?
scientist who studies Earthquakes
they find the following, EXCEPT:
(1) Arrival time difference
(2) Distance to the epicenter
(3) Plot distance on the map
(4) Graphical illustration of focus
(4) Graphical illustration of focus
What season is in the Southern Hemisphere when the Northern end of Earth’s axis is away from the sun?
How long does the Mood take to finish one lunar cycle?
29.5 days
When do we have the highest tide & lowest tide?
Spring Tide
What do you call the avalanches of hot gas, ash and rocks?
Pyroclastic Flow
What is a term used to explain a way to describe Earthquake’s intensity?
What do you call it when Northern Hemisphere is experiencing Fall?
September equinox
Why do we always see the same side of the moon?
Because Moon rotates as it revolves
What causes the different types of Lunar eclipse?
Caused by changes in (1) Moon's phases and the (2) positions of the Earth and the Moon