Communicable/infectious disease

Abrupt fever, URI symptoms progressing, malaise, anorexia, droplet precautions, prevention is key, supportive treatment

What is Influenza?


Most important nursing intervention to implement for an infant who develops heart failure:

A.  Restrict milk intake 

B.  Reduce salt intake

C.  Place infant in semi-Fowler's position

D.  Place infant supine and keep quiet

What is C. Place infant in semi-Fowler's position?


A symptom often seen in children with hemophilia which causes bleeding into the joints

What is hemarthrosis?


Bacterial skin infection; dried vesicle secretion form honey colored crust

What is Impetigo?


Pain scale for patients < 3yrs 

What is FLACC?


Abrupt onset, fever, sore throat, retractions, tripod positioning, potential for complete respiratory obstruction

What is epiglottitis?


CHD in this category are caused by obstruction of blood flow

What are CoA, Aortic Stenosis, and Pulmonic Stenosis?


Management of this hereditary hemoglobinopathy includes hydration, analgesics, and blood transfusions

What is Sickle Cell Anemia?


Vaccines a 2-month-old infant should receive

What is B DR HIP (Hep B, DTap, Rotavirus, HIB, IPV, PCV)?


A 7-year-old child has been prescribed penicillin V for streptococcal pharyngitis.  Which information should the nurse include in education to the child's parents?

A. The child will no longer be contagious after the first  dose of antibiotic

B.  The child's fever may persist until all of the medication is taken

C.  The medication should not be given with food

D.  The child should take all of the medication.

What is D? The child should complete the full course of antibiotics to prevent the development of rheumatic fever or acute glomerular nephritis.


Episodic dyspnea, wheezing, coughing due to bronchial hyperresponsiveness

What is asthma?


This CHD in the decreased pulmonary blood flow category causes episodes of hypoxia and acute cyanosis and systolic murmur

What is Tetralogy of Fallot?


When you are providing education to parents on iron supplementation you should include:

What is store supplements out of child's reach to prevent accidental overdose, give with vitamin C to promote absorption, give liquid iron with straw to prevent teeth staining, and advise of possible side effects-dark stools?


This pesky bacterium is linked to several conditions affecting multiple systems, including the heart, kidneys, and the joints. 

What is a Group A- Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus?


When performing vital sign measurement on an infant or toddler, this order of steps is recommended

What is respirations (before disturbing child), apical heart rate, BP (if applicable) and temperature

A nurse caring for a baby with RSV notes the baby is exhibiting signs of respiratory distress.  Which signs does the nurse document? SATA

A. Huffing

B. Tachypnea

C.  Nasal flaring

D. Expiratory grunting

E. Intercostal retractions

What is  B, C, D, E?


Confirm allergies, insert and maintain peripheral IV, NPO 4-6 prior, mark location and quality of distal pulses, obtain baseline VS, provide developmentally appropriate education

What is pre-procedure cardiac catheterization care?


Iron overload as a result of multiple blood transfusions is treated with this therapy

What is iron chelating drugs/iron chelation therapy/Defesirox?


This human herpesvirus causing persistent fever, cough, mild URI symptoms and a characteristic slapped check appearance

What is Fifth Disease (Erythema Infectiousium)?


A nurse is assessing a 6-month-old infant in the pediatric clinic.  Which abnormal finding should the nurse report to the primary health care provider?

A.  Child exhibits a grasp reflex

B.  Child falls over from a sitting position

C.  Child follows no commands

D.  Child drinks formula from a cup

What is A? Child exhibits a grasp reflex


Infants with this highly contagious condition often has apnea with cyanosis after fits of coughing followed by high pitched crowing

What is Whooping Cough (Pertussis)?


The nurse takes an infant's apical pulse before administering Digoxin.  At which pulse rate should the nurse hold the scheduled dose of digoxin for an 8-month-old infant?

What is < 90 bpm?


Antibodies against multiple platelet antigens results in this condition which manifests as petechiae, bleeding from mucous membranes, bruising, and prolong bleeding

What is Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP)?


Low-grade fever, truncal rash, malaise, headache, sore throat; can cause congenital birth defects if pregnant woman is exposed

What is Rubella (German Measles)?


Children in this age range are in the preoperational phase and are transitioning from egocentric to social awareness

What is preschool age (3-6 years old)?
