The line of longitude marked 0 degrees on the world map, from which longitude lines east and west are measured.
Prime Meridian
The belief in many gods and goddesses.
A list of map symbols that tells what each symbol stands for.
map key
What was the purpose of cave art?
A flat fan-shaped piece of land made from silt deposited from the mouth of a river.
An extra supply of something, such as crops, that is not needed immediately.
A person who meets needs by hunting animals and gathering plants.
What is something that was eaten during the Paleolithic Era?
The directions north, south, east, and west.
cardinal directions
The last period of the Stone Age when humans began to develop agriculture, and use tools and weapons made from shaped and polished stone.
Neolithic Era
A mixture of tiny bits of soil and rock carried and deposited by a river.
How did fire help the early people?
The title used by the rulers of Ancient Egypt.
A structure built of stone with a square base and triangular sides that slope upward.
A culture that has developed systems of specialization, religion, learning and government.
Choose the event that came first.
People made simple tools from stone and bone
The raising of crops and animals for human use.
The earliest period of the Stone Age characterized by tools made of crudely chipped stone and by cave art.
Paleolithic Era
The process of preserving a dead body through embalming and drying.
Describe the homes in Catal Huyuk
They were built with holes in the roof and people used ladders to get in and out