Involves fear/anxiety about a certain object or situation
What disorder is less severe than major depressive disorder but more chronic
Persistent depressive disorder
Name the three bipolar disorders
Bipolar I, Bipolar II, cyclothymia
What is Electroconvulsive therapy used to treat TODAY?
Persistent depressive disorder
Mood disorder
Involves excessive anxiety and worry, occurring more days than not, for at least 6 months, about a number of activities
Generalized anxiety disorder
What disorder involves mood issues after the death of a loved one?
Prolonged grief disorder
What bipolar disorder involves mania
Bipolar I
What neurotransmitter do SSRIs target?
Anxiety disorders
Involves fear and worry about being in situations where escape or help may be difficult to obtain
Name 2 specifiers for major depressive disorder.
Melancholic features
Psychotic features
Seasonal pattern
Peripartum onset
What Bipolar disorder involves hypomania
Bipolar II
Bipolar II
Mood (specifically a bipolar disorder)
Name 4 criteria of a panic episode (attack)
1.Pounding heart, accelerated heart rate
4.Sensations of shortness of breath, smothering
5.Feelings of choking
6.Chest pain/discomfort
7.Nausea/abdominal distress
8.Feeling dizzy, unsteady, light-headed or faint
9.Chills or heat sensations
10.Numbness or tingling sensations
11.Derealization or depersonalization
12.Fear of losing control or “going crazy”
13.Fear of dying
Name two criteria of prolonged grief disorder
There are more but...
Identity disruption (such as feeling as though part of oneself has died).
Marked sense of disbelief about the death.
Avoidance of reminders that the person is dead.
Intense emotional pain (such as anger, bitterness, sorrow) related to the death.
Difficulty with reintegration (such as problems engaging with friends, pursuing interests, planning for the future).
Emotional numbness (absence or marked reduction of emotional experience).
Feeling that life is meaningless.
Intense loneliness (feeling alone or detached from others).
Name 2 behaviors related to a manic episode.
1.Inflated self esteem, grandiosity
2.Decreased need for sleep
3.More talkative
4.Flight of ideas or subjective feeling that thoughts are racing
5.Distractibility (reported or observed)
6.Increased goal directed activity or psychomotor agitation
7.Excessive involvement in activities with possible painful consequences
Lithium medication requires what routine medical testing?
Kidney/liver functioning
Mood disorder (specifically a bipolar disorder)
What is the minimum time someone must have a pattern of symptoms for social anxiety?
6 months
Name 4 criteria of a major depressive episode.
1.Depressed mood most of day. Subjective or observed by others
2.Diminished interest/pleasure in all/almost all activities
3.Weight loss/gain or decrease/increase in appetite (not related to dieting)
4.Insomnia or hypersomnia
5.Psychomotor agitation or retardation, observable by others
6.Fatigue or loss of energy
7.Feelings of worthlessness or excessive/inappropriate guilt, may be delusional
8.Difficulty concentrating, indecisiveness
9.Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal ideation (without plan, with plan, attempt)
Why might bipolar disorders be misdiagnosed at first?
If currently experiencing a major depressive episode mania may not be discussed. Mania may be perceived as "normal" compared to depressive symptoms...
What is the issue in using MAOIs?
They have interactions with many other prescriptions, over the counter medications, and foods (special diet required)
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Mood disorder