CH 1
CH 3
Ch 4
Ch 6
Ch 7

Difference between social psychologist and personality psychologist?

Social Psychologists focus on context

Personality Psychologists focus on the individual


What is considered low-effort thinking?

Automatic thinking


The study of how we form impressions of and make inferences about other people 

What is social perception


What is cognitive dissonance?

The discomfort that people feel when they behave in ways that threaten their self-esteem


What are the three components of attitudes 

Cognitive, Affective, Behavioral


What is Naïve Realism?

The conviction that we perceive things “as they really are,” under- estimating how much we are interpreting or “spinning” what we see


What are schemas?

Mental structures people use to organize their knowledge about the social world around themes or subjects and that influence the information people notice, think about, and remember


What are the 6 universal emotions?

Sadness, Anger, Happiness, Surprise, Fear, and Disgust


What are the ways we can reduce cognitive dissoance?

We can change our behavior, we can justify our behavior, or we can justify our behavior by adding a new cognition


The strength of the association between an attitude object and a person’s evaluation of that object, measured by the speed with which people can report how they feel about the object

What is Attitude Accessibility?


What is the Fundamental Attribution error?

The tendency to overestimate the extent to which people’s behavior is due to internal, dispositional factors and to underestimate the role of situational factors


What is the Self Full-filling Prophecy?

The case wherein people have an expectation about what another person is like, which influences how they act toward that person, which causes that person to be- have consistently with people’s original expectations, making the expectations come true

What is an affect blend? Give an example

Facial expressions in which one part of the face registers one emotion while another part of the face registers a different emotion

- Jealousy, pride, grief


What is justification of effort? Give an example

The tendency for individuals to increase their liking for something they have worked hard to attain

Remaining in a fraternity despite being hazed and mistreated because the inanition process for joining was harsh and difficult


The Yale Attitude Change approach consists of what three things

Who (The source of communication), the What (the nature of the communication), and to Whom (The nature of the audience)


What would we rather do? Be accurate or feel good about ourselves?

Feel good about ourselves


Name the four types of heuristics we have learned in this course 

Judgmental heuristics, availability heuristic, availability heuristic, and representative heuristic.


What is thin slicing?

Drawing meaningful conclusions about another person’s personality or skills based on an extremely brief sample of behavior


Acting in a way that runs counter to one’s private belief or attitude

What is counterattitudinal behavior


Do subliminal messages work?



What is social cognition?

How people think about themselves and the social world; more specifically, how people select, interpret, remember, and use social information to make judgments and decisions


Explain the Bloomer study and give some of implications

Bloomer study: Researchers told teachers that certain students were gifted (bloomers) to see if that information changed the way a student progressed through out the semester. Students were chosen at random. Test scores at the beginning were compared to test scores at the end of semester.

Implications of the bloomer study:

Students who were identified as bloomers had exceptional grades and improved significantly through out the year.


What are the three pieces of information you need to decide if you make an internal or external attribution of someone?

Consensus info, distinctiveness info, and consistency info


How does insufficient punishment work?

Causes dissonance that can not be solved with external justification. To alleviate the cognitive dissonance  an individual must make an internal justification/attribution to solve their dissonance 


What is fear arousing communication?

Persuasive messages that attempt to change people’s attitudes by arousing their fears
