
Which of the following refers to the photoreceptors responsible for color vision?


What is the term that refers to the just noticeable difference between two stimuli? 

Difference threshold 


When struck by light cones and rods in the retina generate neural signals that activate 

bipolar cells 


Define shaping in regards to operant conditioning

gradual modification and shaping behavior through a series of steps.


A person eats a hamburger at a restaurant and develops a very bad stomachache after finishing eating. As a result of the sudden illness, the person cannot eat hamburgers anymore. Just thinking about the makes the person feel sick to the stomach. In this scenario the thought of the hamburger is 

a condition stimulus (CS) 


Ana injured her eye in an accident and has to wear a path over the eye while it heals. Which of the following cues would she best be able to use to make judgments about the distance objects are from her? 

Binocular disparity 


Which photoreceptors are responsible for the detection of the color red? 

It relies on the cones 


When in a moving object nearby objects seem to pass by more quickly than do more distant objects this cue for depth perception is known as 

motion parallax 


One of the major considerations that parents can take away from theories of conditioning. 

Avoid delay or lags in reward or punishment


In Ivan Pavlov's classical conditioning paradigm, the dog salivated in response to the food at the outset of the experiment because the food was 

an unconditioned stimulus (US) 


In vision transduction occurs within the 



The perceived pitch of a tone is largely determined by 



A person is asked to listen to a series of tones presented in pairs, and asked to say whether the tones in each pair are the same or different in pitch. This scenario describes 

difference threshold 


For every twenty cell phones that tom sells, he gets a $50 bonus. The bonus is an example of what type of reinforcement schedules? 

Fixed ratio schedule 


Describe the process of spontaneous recovery in classical conditioning 

After extinction the reflexive response to the conditioned stimuli goes away. Overtime if the neutral stimulus is paired with a US the respondent displayed before will be recovered (spontaneous recovery) 


Which of the following is the correct path a neural impulse will follow through the different layers of the retina? 

Rods & Cones, bipolar cells, ganglion cells, optic nerve 


In the dark an object is more clearly seen when viewed in peripheral vision than when viewed directly. This phenomena occurs because the rods located on the retina are 

more sensitive in the dark than cones and are found in the fovea. 


Damage to which areas best explains conduction deafness. 

Hammer, anvil, stirrup 


An individual's fear of dogs that is lost as the individuals is exposed to dogs in nonthreatening situations is referred to by behaviorists as a fear that has been 



Give an example of spontaneous recovery 



Describe the process of vision from beginning to end 

1) light enters the eye through the pupil, which can expand or contract allowing more or less light in

2) light hits the lens and is shot to the back of the eye

3) light reaches the retina and interacts with photoreceptors of eye(rods and cones) before being passed to bipolar cells where it is transducer into electricity. 

4) electricity is sent up the optic nerve to the brain where it reaches the thalamus the thalamus codes for threat no threat and encodes emotions or memory components 

5) sent to primary visual cortex where we make determinants of movement and light orientation 

6) what and where pathway where we determine what the object is and where it I located in regards to us. 


A person moves to a new town because of a new job. This is a large city, for the first few days He is continuously distracted by sounds of traffic and street noise. By the end of the first week He no longer notices the sounds. What is this phenomena known 



Describe the experience of taste. 

1) Taste occurs as chemical stimuli bond to receptors and transduce electrical potentials.As we chew food we break the chemical bonds and release odorants. 

2) the odorants are released and bond to certain receptors in the nasal cavity and taste receptors producing an electrical potential  which lead to the subjective experience of sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami. 

3)The electrical stimulus passes to the olfactory bulb 

4) Electricity is passed to the brain arriving I the thalamus first where the brain scans for threats and attaches memories and emotions that are attached to certain smell or taste stimuli. 


in classical conditioning, stimulus generalization occurs when an organization responds 

to stimuli that are similar to the conditioned stimulus 


In a study researchers first touched a dog lightly on the side of the body and a few seconds later placed vinegar on the dogs tongue. the vinegar made the dog salivate. After several pairings of touch and vinegar, the dog began to salivate as soon as it was touched and before being given vinegar. in these studies which of the following was the CS? 

Touch to the body 
