This ethical concept, also a legal duty in most states, requires therapists not to disclose any information about a client without their consent, except under specific circumstances.
What is confidentiality?
He is considered the father of psychoanalysis.
Who is Sigmund Freud?
This term refers to the feeling of being disconnected or isolated from others, a key concern in existential therapy.
What is loneliness?
This psychologist is best known for developing Person-Centered Therapy.
Who is Carl Rogers?
In this technique, clients engage in a conversation between two opposing emotions.
What is the Internal Dialogue Technique?
These are unconscious beliefs that influence how we perceive others, often outside of our conscious awareness.
What are implicit biases?
The technique used in psychoanalysis where the therapist asks the client to say whatever comes to mind, regardless of how trivial or irrelevant it may seem.
What is free association?
The term for the anxiety that arises from the awareness of one's own mortality.
What is death anxiety?
This type of relationship, characterized by genuineness and acceptance, is crucial in Person-Centered Therapy.
What is therapeutic alliance?
This technique in Gestalt therapy encourages clients to express their feelings, representing someone or something they wish to address.
What is the empty chair technique?
This strategy involves managing your own personal values so they do not influence the counseling process.
What is "Bracketing"?
During therapy, Bob feels a strong urge to please her therapist, recalling how she always sought approval from her mother. Bob is experiencing ___
What is transference?
Existential therapy emphasizes the importance of this capacity, which increases our freedom and awareness of choices.
What is self-awareness?
This technique involves restating or paraphrasing what a client has said to demonstrate understanding and encourage further exploration.
What is reflective listening?
In Gestalt therapy, this term refers to the way that we interact with others.
What is contact?
This ethical and legal requirement involves providing clients with information about therapy, enabling them to make autonomous decisions about their treatment.
What is informed consent?
The defense mechanism where an individual reverts to behaviors characteristic of an earlier stage of development when faced with stress or conflict.
What is regression?
This therapeutic approach, developed by Viktor Frankl, aims to help individuals find meaning in their suffering.
What is logotherapy?
These are the three core conditions of Person Centered Therapy.
What are authenticity (congruence), empathy, and unconditional positive regard?
This term refers to what stands out in a person's awareness.
What is the figure?
Name two of the three scenarios in which a therapist is legally and ethically required to break confidentiality.
What are situations when the client poses a danger to self or others, when there is suspected abuse of children or vulnerable adults, when the client needs to be hospitalized, when information is part of a court action, or when the client requests a release of records?
The two elements of each psychosexual stage.
What are the erogenous zone (pleasure) and the developmental conflict?
According to existential therapy, this term describes the struggle to find purpose and meaning in one’s life.
What is existential vacuum?
After overcoming childhood adversity, Sarah has started pursuing her passion for painting and feels fulfilled. Sarah has experienced ____
What is self-actualization?
A client comes into your office and tells you (while sobbing) that they were broken up with. This is what the therapist does
What is staying with the feeling/emotion?