When can you combine your prayers?
travelling, jalsas, bad weather
How many daily prayers are there? Name them
5: fajr, zuhr, asr, maghrib, ishaa
What does "Al-Malik" mean?
God is the King
What does "Qur'an" mean?
often read or recited
What kind of prayer is tahajjud prayer?
Nafl prayers
What breaks wudu?
Having to use the bathroom
Passing wind
Sleeping or dozing off
Unconsciousness (fainting)
Drawing blood
Fard, sunnah, waajib, nafl
recite the prayers between two sajdahs
Rabbigh-fir-lee warham-nee, wahdi-nee wa aafi-nee, waj-burnee war-zuq-nee, war-fa’-nee
Name the 5 pillars of Islam
Kalima, Salat, Fasting, Zakat and Hajj
30 parts, 114 chapters or ‘surahs’.
recite At-Tashah-hud
At-tahiyyaatu lillahi, was-salawaatu wat-tayyibaatu As-Salamu `alaika ayyuhan-nabiyyu wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhoo; As-Salamu `alainaa wa `alaa `ibaadillahissaaliheen;
At this point, raise the right index finger to recite:
Ash-hadu allaa ilaaha illallahu wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan `abduhoo wa rasooluh
Prayer after ablution
Who revealed the Qur'an to the Prophet?
Angel Jibreel (as)
Recite durood-sharif
Allahumma salli ‘alaa muhammadin -wa `alaa aali muhammadin, kamaa sallaita `alaa ibraheema wa `alaa aali ibraheema, innaka hameedummajeed
Allahumma baarik `alaa Muhammadinwa `alaa aali Muhammadin, kama baarakta `alaa Ibraheema, wa `alaa aali Ibraheema innaka Hameedummajeed
Steps of Wudhu