The Father is not the son, The Son is not the Holy Spirit..The Father is God, the Son is God, The Holy Spirit is God.
What is a picture that represent the Trinity?
Baptism, the Eucharist, and Confirmation
What are the names of the Sacraments of Initiation?
The Sanhedrin
This group are the highest Jewish court
House of bread
What does Bethlehem mean?
putting on Christ; purity
What is the meaning of a white garment?
The suffering, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus.
What is the Paschal Mystery?
Marriage and Holy Orders
What are the Sacraments of Service of Communion?
The Pharisees
Which religious group was very devoted to the law?
In which city was the Temple located?
Claims us as followers of Christ
What is the meaning of the sign of the cross in baptism?
Physical Pleasure, Pride and Power
What are the temptations that Jesus faced?
Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
What are the names of Sacrament of Healing?
Jewish people offered sacrifices to God in here
What is a Temple?
Jewish Christians
Who did Mathew wrote for?
dying to a life of sin and rising to new life with Christ
What is the meaning of immersion in baptism?
two birds
What did Mary and Joseph offer when they presented Jesus in the Temple and why?
An outward sign of God’s given grace.
What is Sacrament?
Jewish people prayed and learned about God in the
What is a Synagogue?
Persecuted Christrians
Who did Mark wrote for?
cleansing; life giving
What is the meaning of Water in baptism?
represents a time in which someone’s faith is tested
What is the meaning of the number 40?
It leaves an indelible mark on our souls – we can never remove the fact that we are baptized Christians
What is Baptism?
Believed about angels and the resurrection.
Who are Pharisees and Saducees?
Wrote for Gentile Christians (Greeks)?
Who is Luke?
We receive the light of Christ
What is the meaning of candle in baptism?