Basic Knowledge
Journey to Syria / Umar accepts Islam
Rebuilding The Kabah
Beginning of Revelation
The Boycott and the Hijrah

What are the 5 pillars of Islam and 6 Pillars of Iman?

Five Pillars of Islam:

  • Shahada (to bear witness)

  • Salah (prayer)

  • Zakat (charity)

  • Sawm (fasting)

  • Hajj (pilgrimage)

Six Pillars of Islam:

  • Belief in the one god, Allah (SWT)

  • Belief in the angels

  • Belief in the books

  • Belief in the prophets

  • Belief in the Day of Judgement

  • Belief in Qadar (Destiny)


After Abdul Muttalib passed away, who took care of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)?

His uncle, Abu Talib.


Who originally built the Kabah?

Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.).


What is the name of the cave where Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) went to reflect?

Cave Hira.


From and to which city did the Muslims migrate during the Hijrah?

Makkah to Madina


Name 4 characteristics of Jannah and Jahannam.

Too many to write.


What did the tree branch do when young Muhammad (S.A.W.) arrived at the feast?

It lowered itself to provide him shade.


What is special about the black stone that made it so important to the tribes?

It came from Jannah (Paradise).


Which angel appeared to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) during the first revelation?

Angel Jibril (A.S.).


What caused the Quraysh to end the boycott?

The document was eaten by insects, leaving only the words “In your name, Oh Allah,” which they saw as a sign from Allah.


Name 8 angels and their respective roles.

  • Jibreel  -  delivers revelations and messages

  • Mika’il  -  controls the rain

  • Malakul Maut (Azra’il)  -  angel of death

  • Israfil  -  tasked with blowing the trumpet to start the day of judgment

  • Malik  -  in charge of maintaining Jahannam

  • Ridwan  -  in charge of maintaining Jannah

  • Kiraman Katibin (Honourable Recorders)  -  they write down our good and bad deeds

  • Munkar and Nakir  - ask questions in our grave


What is the story of Umar accepting Islamic.

verbal answer


What caused the tribes to almost go to war during the rebuilding of the Kabah?

They argued over who would place the black stone back in its place.


What did the rocks and trees say to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) on his way to the cave?

"Peace be upon you, Oh Messenger of Allah."


What miracle happened at the entrance of the cave where the Prophet (S.A.W.) and Abu Bakr were hiding?

A spider spun a web, making the Quraysh believe no one was inside.


What are the four books of Allah and which prophets were they given to?

  • The Tawrah - Musa (A.S.)

  • The Zabur - Dawud (A.S.)

  • The Injit - Isa (A.S.)

  • The Quran - Muhammed (S.A.W)


Why did Bahira advise Abu Talib to take Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) back to Makkah?

To protect him from harm in Syria.


How did Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) ensure all tribes participated in placing the black stone?

He suggested placing the stone on a cloth and having each tribe hold a corner.


Who did Khadijah (R.A.) take Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) to after the first revelation?

Her cousin Waraqah ibn Nawfal.


What is the significance of the Hijrah in Islamic history?

It marks the beginning of the Islamic (Hijri) calendar.


Name 8 names of Allah (SWT) and their meanings.

  • Ar-Rahman  -  The Most Merciful

  • Ar-Rahim  -  The Most Kind

  • Al-Alim  -  The All-Knowing

  • Al-Basir  -  The All-Seeing

  • As-Sami  -  The All-Hearing

  • Al-Qadir - The All-Powerful

  • As-Samad - The Independent

  • Al-Khaliq - The Creator

  • Ar-Razzaq - The Provider

  • Al-Mujib - The One Who Answers Our Duas


What did Bahira recognize about Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) that aligned with descriptions in the holy books?

The tree shading him and the mark between his shoulder blades and his description in the holy books. 


What role did the tribes agree the first person entering the meeting room the next morning would have?

To decide how to place the black stone.


Which Surah (part of surah) is the first revelation of the quran.

Surah Al-alaq


Who passed away during the year following the end of the boycott, leading to it being called the “Year of Sadness”?

Abu Talib and Khadijah (R.A.).
