The fifth Guru of the Sikhs
Who was Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji?
The 9th Sikh Guru
Name the four sahibzade
Ajit Singh, Jujhar Singh, Zorawer Singh, Faeth Singh
Where was he born?
Name the three brothers of Bhai Mati Das Ji?
Bhai Sati Das, Bhai Dayal Das
For how many days was he tortured?
5 days
Who did Guru Tegh Bahadue Ji mediate between to bring peace?
Asamese, Rama Raj Singh
Who were they the sons of?
Who were Bandeis sikhs?
Followers of Banda Singh Bahadur
Which place Bhai Dharam Singh and Bhai Mohkem Singh are from?
Dwarka, Hastinapur
Who led the Kashmiri pandit when visiting Guru Tegh Bahadur in 1675?
Pandit Kirpa Ram
Under whose orders were Mata Gujri and the grandosns arrested?
Nawab Wazir Khan
Where and When did Guru Gobind Singh met him?
At his monestary, 1708
How was Bhai Mani Singh killed?
Cut limb from limb (Shahid Ganj Shaib)
Which Muslim Saint came to visit him in the prison?
Hazrat Mian Mir
Who arrested Guru Tegh Bahadur and how was he brought to Delhi?
Mughal soldiers arrested Guru Tegh Bahadur on the way to Delhi at the order of Emperor Aurangzeb, he was brought with 5 other Sikhs
How did the older sahbizade die?
When Baba Banda Singh Bahadur was captured?
Who was killed by Bhia Mehtab Singh and why
Massa Rangarh, disrespecting Harimander Sahib
Tell all 5 days of the torture
no food/water, put in boiling water, red hot sand, burning plate, made to go into the ravi river
Who managed to take possession of his body, where was it creamted?
Lakhi Shah, his house (now Rakab Ganj Sahib)
How did the chote sahibzade die?
Bricked alive
Which first battle Khalsa fought under his leadership?
battle of Samana
What rewards were offered for the head of a sikh?
50 rupees