Who were Adam and Eve made in the image of?
How many books are in the Bible?
73 books
How long did the rains last?
40 days and 40 nights
How old was Abram when God called him?
75 years old
Who found Moses in the river?
Pharaoh's daughter
What is original sin?
Sin passed down from Adam and Eve due to their first sin that all humans are born with
How many sections does the Bible have?
2 sections
How are the floodwaters a type of baptism?
The flood cleansed the earth from original sin
What was the external sign of God’s covenant with Abraham?
A sacrifice with a burning torch and fire pot
What does Moses encounter on the mountain?
A flaming bush that was not burning (voice of God)
What is the sabbath covenant?
Day of rest marking when God rested from creating the world (7th day)
How many books are in the Pentateuch?
Why did God choose Noah?
He was the most righteous
What did Abraham’s 2nd son’s name mean?
He laughs
Who does Moses go to after killing an Egyptian?
How did Adam and Eve disobey God?
They listened to the snake and ate the forbidden fruit
Who are the two authors of sacred scripture?
God and human beings
Why is the rainbow significant in the flood?
It shows God’s presence and power
What were the 3 promises God made to Abraham?
Land and a Nation, Kingship and a Name, Blessing of all Nations
Midwives were commanded to kill all what?
All male Hebrew babies
What was created on the fourth day?
The rulers of time(sun and moon)
What are the four types of books in the OT?
Law (or Torah) History, Wisdom Literature, and Prophets
Why are the numbers 40 & 7 significant in the Bible?
40 represents testing and preparation, 7 represents completeness
Who fulfilled the 3 promises God made to Abraham?
Moses, King David, Jesus Christ
Why did Pharaoh want to get rid of the Israelites?
He believed they outnumbered the Egyptians and were a threat