What are the sacraments of initiation?
Eucharist, baptism, and confirmation
Name all 7 gifts of the holy spirit
Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, Fear of the Lord
Who was Saul/Paul?
An apostle who was a former prosecutor of Christians but was converted to Christianity after receiving a vision of God and going blind for three days. He was taken care of by a Christian man until his sight was restored and he became one of the first evangelists of the church.
What was the Council of Trent and what were its goals?
The Council of Trent was a meeting of church officials that discussed Christianity and changes that needed to be made in the church and was essential to the growth and development of the Catholic church during this time period.
The Council of Trent had two primary goals: (1) acknowledging and reforming problems related to the clergy and religious life, and (2) clearly stating Church doctrine, especially on matters that had been distorted by the reformers.
Bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to others.
When do the RCIA receive the sacraments of initiation?
On Easter Vigil
When are the gifts of the Holy Spirit received?
At Confirmation
Name three of the 5 good emperors.
Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius
Who was Jesus baptized by and where was he baptized?
Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River by St. John the Baptist
Great Amen
The affirmation by the faithful of the entire Eucharistic Prayer.
When was the eucharist instituted?
At the Last Supper
Which gift of the Holy Spirit allows you to open yourself to “be known by God in a deeper way” (p. 124)?
Who was the third good emperor?
What is the highpoint of mass?
During the consecration of the Eucharist when the priest raises the bread (body of Jesus) and raises the Chalice with the blood of Jesus.
Penitential Rite
Part of the Introductory Rites at Mass when the priest invites people to repent of their sins and prepare themselves to encounter Christ in the Eucharist.
What is the matter, form, and minister for confirmation?
Matter: Chrism oil (in the sign of the cross)
Form: “be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit”
Minister: Bishop (sometimes priest)
Which gift of the Holy Spirit allows you to “see “the bigger picture” and the real meaning or truth, not just the way things seem on the surface” (p. 123)?
Who was St. Polycarp of Smyrna?
A bishop in what is now Turkey that spent his ministry defending Jesus and denouncing other Gods and faiths. He was a church father and died a martyr for the church.
What are the events that make up the Paschal Mystery?
Christ’s passion, death, resurrection, and ascension
The prayer appointed for the day or feast that concludes the Introductory Rites before the Liturgy of the Word begins.
What are the three classifications of sacraments?
Healing, initiation, and service
What is the name for the perfections that come as a result of living in unity with the Holy Spirit?
Fruits of the Holy Spirit
Which of the five good emperors is known for his reformation of the Roman legal system?
Antoninus Pius
Why do we have feast days?
To offer thanks to God and to celebrate the events significant to our faith and the influential people of the church.
The Eucharist received by a dying person. This is a Latin term that means “food for the journey.”