A dentist who specializes in straightening and aligning teeth
The lower jaw that holds teeth
Another name for a cuspid
Upper right 1st molar
What does HVE stand for
High volume evacuation
A dentist who specializes in children’s teeth
The joint on each side of the head that allows movement of the mandible
Temperomandibular Joint (TMJ)
Third molar
Lower right central incisor
A filling is needed when a tooth presents with
A small cavity
A dentist who specializes in gum disease
One of the two holes located on the front surface of the mandible between the 1st and 2nd premolars that permits passage of the mental nerve and blood vessels
Mental foramen
Surface of the tooth closest to the midline
Upper right 2nd premolar
The permanent dentition consists of how many premolars
A dentist who specializes in root canal therapy
A part of the mandible that turns toward the skull vertically to allow rotation of the TMJ in a vertical direction
The tapered end of each root where the nerve exits the tooth
Lower left 2nd molar
In the sterilization process what instrument NEVER goes into the ultrasonic
A dentist who specializes in prosthetics
The round prominence at the end of the TMJ allowing the mandible to open and close
An upper first molar has how many roots
3 roots
Upper left 1st premolar
What vaccination must all staff show proof of
Hepatitis B