Asides, Soliloquies, bursting into song are all examples of this.
What is a theatre convention?
Roughly translated as "Praise Singer", this storyteller hails from West Africa.
What is a Griot?
Under this system, the lead actor was in control of all creative choices and was the only one allowed to stand in the light.
What is the Star System?
This high school teacher and mother struggles to protect her son from the school-to-prison pipeline.
Who is Nya?
Ancient Masks recognized as the universal symbols of theatre.
What are the comedy and tragedy masks?
A Birthday, Graduation, Quinceañera, a Japanese Divorce Ceremony, are all examples of this.
What is a ritual of growth?
William Shakespeare held this title, conferred on him by the royal family.
What is a Bard?
Founder of the Meiningen Player and the unified production concept.
Who is the Duke of Saxe Meiningen?
Much of the play takes place in this type of school, where Nya works as a teacher.
What is a public school?
These four elements are needed for something to be considered theatre
What are Actors, a story, an audience, and a space.
This theory of one of the origins of theatre is when Thespis decided to step away from the chorus and become the first actor in Greek Theatre.
What is the theory of "Stepping Out"
The four purposes of all storytellers.
What is Creator, Memorizer, Entertainer, and Communal Historian?
The fundamental question the director must answer before beginning their job.
What is "Why" - why stage this show here, now, with these actors and for this audience? Why does this performance matter?
This Richard Wright novel, which Nya teaches, serves as a major literary reference in the play.
What is Native Son?
The belief that while watching theatre we are watching real people experiencing real life
What is the suspension of disbelief?
This theory of one of the origins of theatre is when a person decided to show their story rather than just tell it.
What is the "Theory of Spontaneous Inspiration"?
Action, Suspense, Believability, Fluidity, Compression
What are the 5 elements of a good play?
The two types of modern director.
What is Traditional and Conceptual?
Throughout the play, Nya uses this natural phenomenon as a metaphor for Omari’s struggles and the systemic forces working against him.
What is a pipeline?
The belief that while watching theatre we are aware that we are watching a show.
What is Aesthetic Distance?
Professor Galas's favorite definition of Dionysus
The god of the altered state of mind
A character actively trying to prevent the main character from getting what they want
What is an Antagonist?
The director's last day in charge.
What is "Opening Night"?
This school security guard, known for his tough but caring attitude, tries to guide students while navigating the limits of his power.
Who is Dun?
Love, War, Generations, Rebellion, Dreams, and Values
What are the 6 Life themes?