How does the life-span perspective of human development impact nursing?
Lifelong development and growth, capacity for patient change (plasticity).
Individual capacities shift, shrink expand(multidirectional)
Looking at the impact of context: insulin compliance, diet, exercise, home, out ect.
What is infertility? What are some current medical treatments?
Inability to conceive after 12 months of trying without contraception
- IVF - Surrogacy - Donor insemination ( egg or sperm)
What are the four lobes of the brains:
Frontal= Voluntary movements, thinking personality
Parietal= spatial awareness and location,
Temporal= hearing, language
Occipital= Vision
How does a child in early childhood represent the world? What stage of Piaget is this and what age range?
Pre-operatonal ages 2-7, the world is represented with words, images and drawings. Identify concepts water= wet, color, drink
What is IQ how is it measured?
Created by William Stern
Measures various forms of intelligence
Mental Age/Chronological age x 100
What are the four APA research guidelines introduced in class? What are a few a key points for each?
Informed consent
- What does research participation involve and what risks might develop
- Right to withdraw at any time and for any reason
-Keeping all participant information as protected and private as possible
- Anonymity
-Before participation, participants should be told as much as possible without impacting the reliability of the study
- After completion, participants should be informed of study’s purpose and methods used
-Can be used when necessary, as providing participants with all the information of the study prior to might alter their answers or behavior
-Deception must not be harmful, and participants must be debriefed as soon as possible
What is a teratogen? What are some examples?
Teratogen is any agent that can cause birth defects or negatively impact cognitive and behavioral outcomes
Environmental= radiation, lead
Maternal diseases= Rubella, syphilis, genital herpes
Psychoactive drugs= alcohol, cigarettes(nicotine), Cocaine, Marijuana
The embryonic period (~3-8 weeks) is more vulnerable then the fetal period (~9 weeks until birth)
What is brain plasticity?
Brains ability to re-wire, make connections, adapt, growth and reorganize. The brain's ability to adapt as result of experiences, even areas that have specialized. Resilience.
What is conservation?
Conservation is the awareness that if you change an object or substances appearance it does not change its basic properties
- The amount of water in two different glasses tall thin, short an wide is the same, one person isnt getting more or less juice
What is fuzzy trace theory?
Fuzzy Trace Theory= states a memory is best understood by considering two types of memory representations:
Children begin to use gist, which contributes to improved memory and reasoning.
What are the three types of research designs used to study human development? How do they differ?
Observational Cross-Sectional= Study Different groups at same time. (observing information present in populations but not manipulating variables....ex:prevalence of DM in USA vs India Vs China etc).
Longitudinal Study= Same group compared at different times
Cohort Studies= Exposure or No Exposure, Follow through time. Prospective(Looking forward) or Retrospective (looking back)
Draw out if helpful to visualize
What is the postpartum period? What education can nurses provide to support pregnant people with postpartum depression?
Postpartum period is a full year after the birth of the infant.
Providing education on and destigmatizing postpartum depression and psychosis. Risk not being able to care for self or infant, difficulty bonding, impact chest feeding, can be related to preterm birth. Support Groups, individual therapy, medication management. Increase community, impact of isolation.
What is SIDS? How can SIDS be reduced?
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Leading cause of Death in US: Infant stop breathing middle of night, no apparent reason.
Prevention: sleeping on back, with fan, chest feeding
More common: LBW, Low SES, cigarette smoke, soft bedding
What are ways parents support or inhibit emotional development?
Emotion coaching parents: teach and support with labeling and managing emotions , utilize praise, scaffolding and provide nurturing
Emotion dismissive parents: Deny emotions, and ignore emotions, invalidate, it is linked to lower emotional competence
What are the two approaches to reading?
Whole-language approach: stresses that reading instruction should parallel children’s natural language learning. Beginning readers are taught whole words or sentences; and reading materials are whole and meaningful.
Phonics approach: reading instruction should teach the basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds. Small units of sounds.
Which of the following has the strongest correlation?
A. +.55 B. -.88 C. -.32 D. + .70
B. -.88
Strength is about the relationship of variables and which is closest to -1 or +1, It does not mater which is positive or negative
The higher the coefficient means a stronger relationships
What are the stages of Birth?
Review image in Module 2
Stage 1: regular and coordinated contractions, cervical dilation
Stage 2: Cervix is fully dilated and fetus is fully expelled from the birthing canal
Stage 3: Placenta and membranes are delivered, bleeding is controlled
What are some major milestones with ages?
Roll over = 2-5 months
Sit without support= 5 - 8 months
Stand with support = 5- 10 months
Walk alone easily = 11-14 months
What are the Four types of Parenting?
Authoritarian parenting: a restrictive, punitive style. Associated with children’s social incompetence and a higher level of aggression.
Authoritative parenting: encourages children to be independent but still places limits and controls on their actions. Associated with children’s social competence and prosocial behaviors. Authoritative parenting conveys the most benefits to the child and to the family as a whole.
Neglectful parenting: the parent is uninvolved in the child’s life. Associated with social incompetence in children, along with poor self-control, low self-esteem, immaturity, and alienation.
Indulgent parenting: parents are highly involved with their children but place few demands or controls on them. Children never learn to control their own behavior and always expect to get their way. They rarely learn respect for others, have difficulty controlling their behavior and difficult peer relationships
What are the 5 Peer status and factors which contribute to each?
Popular children: frequently nominated as a best friend, and rarely disliked by peers. Have social skills, happy, control negative emotions, and show enthusiasm and concern for others. Self-confident without being conceited.
Average children: receive an average number of both positive and negative peer nominations.
Neglected children: infrequently nominated as a best friend, but not disliked by peers.
Rejected children: infrequently nominated as a best friend, and actively disliked by peers. serious adjustment problems. Aggression and its related characteristics of impulsiveness and disruptiveness underly rejection about half the time.
Controversial children: frequently nominated both as someone’s best friend and as being disliked
Peer status involves Social knowledge, goals to pursue, maintain and initiate social bonds
What is an independent variable and a dependent variable? What is an example of both
Independent Variable= What is manipulated
Dependent Variable= What is measured
Experiment Tutoring Hours Grades for a semester
IV = Number of hours tutoring is provided
DV = Grade in class
What is and where does each of the 3 prenatal development period occur?
Germinal 0-2 weeks, After Zygote is formed (23 unpaired chromosomes from the sperm and 23 unpaired chromosomes from the egg, travels through fallopian tube implants in the uterus
Embryonic period 3-8 weeks, Uterus, development of mid fore brain and hindbrain, main period of cell differentiation
Fetal Period: 9 weeks- Birth, Uterus, Continued rapid growth!!! neuron differentiation and movement, reflexes develop
What is the Strange Situation? and examples of the Four Attachment styles
Strange Situation is an experiment by Mary Ainsworth which studied infant parent separations and reunifications.
Through this 4 attachment styles were identified:
What education can Nurses provide on Physical Punishment to parents and its alternatives?
All forms of punishishment should include age-appropriate communication and explanations
Physical punishment if you used should be mild and not used frequently, It can present an out-of-control model for emotion regulation, can instill fear and rage and can be abusive
Encourage and model Alternatives include:
What were the key findings and takeaways CNN doll study?