What is the definition of a fetus?
A fetus is the name for an unborn baby when he is distinctly recognizable as a miniature baby.
Hypertrophy is the enlargement of muscles through use.
What does the suffix -cide mean?
What is the leading cause of accidental death in the United States?
Car accidents.
True or false, a ligament connects muscle tissue to bone?
False. A ligament connects bone to bone.
A tendon connects muscle to bone.
Define metabolism.
The chemical and physical processes by which the body "burns" food and generates energy.
What term is defined as the rigid ring of thick bone that supports most of the body's weight?
The Pelvic Girdle
What are the 2 major divisions of the nervous system?
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
What 2 types of fires should you never use water on?
Electrical and grease (flammable liquid) fires.
True or false, the type of circulation that involves the movement of blood through all parts of the body except the lungs is pulmonary circulation.
False. Pulmonary circulation is the movement of blood from the heart to the lungs and back again.
The type of circulation that involves the movement of blood through all parts of the body except the lungs is systemic circulation.
Name the medical professional that treats diseases and disorders of the digestive system.
Name the medical professional that treats bone and joint injuries and disorders
Identify and compare 3 eating disorders.
Anorexia Nervosa - restricts caloric intake (starvation diet)
Bulimia - Binges and purges
Compulsive overeating - binge eating
The most common emergency signal is...?
What's the term that means "bad breath."
Name the 4 Macronutrients
True or False, flexors are muscles that increase the angle between the bones of a joint.
False, extensors increase the angle between two bones of a joint.
Flexors decrease the joint angle.
Name the 3 main parts of the brain, describe them and identify their functions
Cerebrum- largest part of the brain; involved in conscious thought, memory and interpreting sensory info
Cerebellum- second largest part of the brain; controls skeletal muscles in complex movements
Brain stem- [is made up of 3 parts: midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata] it controls involuntary muscles and activities in your body (like breathing and heartbeat) and connects brain and spinal cord
True or false, hypothermia is the freezing of body tissues?
False. Hypothermia is below-normal body temperature.
Frostbite is the freezing of body tissues.
What is the physical and chemical breakdown of complex nutrients into simpler, water-soluble substances the body can use?
What are incomplete proteins?
Plant proteins that lack one or more essential amino acids.
What are the two major parts of the skeletal system?
Axial skeleton
Appendicular skeleton
According to our textbook, what are the steps for practicing biblical discernment?
D - Determine choices
I - Inquire of God
S - Search scripture
C - Consider Godly counsel
E - Eliminate worldly thinking
R - Recognize God's leading
N - Never compromise the truth
Define risk assessment.
Risk assessment is the balancing of different risks when considering a decision or policy.