Educational Policy
Court Cases and Decisions
Instructional Programs
Program Models

A re-authorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which introduced a heavy emphasis on accountability through standards and high-stakes testing.

What is NCLB?


This federal court case ended segregation practices based on race and required states to provide "equal educational opportunities" for all learners. It is known as the "separate but equal" doctrine.

What is Brown vs. Board of Education 1954?


This group identifies English learners, placement, and exit in bilingual/ESL programs.

Who are the LPAC?


This assessment program is a tool for English learners in Texas that annually assesses them in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

What is the TELPAS?


Students in this program exit at the earliest possible time while receiving instructional support for 1-4 years.

What is the Traditional-Bilingual-Early Exit program?


This law passed in 1968 provided federal funds for bilingual and other programs for ELLs to train teachers to develop and disseminate instruction in the learner's home language.

What is the Bilingual Education Act 1968?


Funding by the Obama administration provided grants for states to begin education reform efforts aligned with specific criteria, including creating new college-and career-readiness standards and assessments (such as Common Core State Standards).

What is the 'Race to the Top' grant program?


Per TEC (Texas Education Code)(c), each school district must have at least 20 or more ELL students in any language classification in the same grade level should offer a bilingual education or special language (ESL) program.

How many ELLs do school districts need to form an ESL program?


Texas teachers must teach the standards that outline English language proficiency level descriptors and student expectations for English language learners (ELLs).

What are the ELPS?


This program promotes academic achievement in the home language and requires ELLs to stay in the program for at least two years.

What is the Traditional-Bilingual-Late Exit program?


This federal court case can be considered the most significant court decision regarding education for ELLs and outlined requirements for school districts and schools to address the needs of ELLs.

What is Lau vs Nichols 1974 and the Lau Remedeis?


This court case instructed TEA (Texas Educational Agency) to phase in mandatory bilingual education in grades K-12 and outlined specific requirements including 3-year monitoring cycles, identifying ELLs, establishing exit program criteria, and a language survey for students entering school.

What is United States vs. State of Texas 1982 et al.?


Students with dominance in any other language besides English are in the process of acquiring English.

Who are the students enrolled in ESL programs?


English learners must pass the ELA portion of the STAAR, score an Advanced High in the TELPAS, and have parental approval.

What is the exit process for ELLs?


This program requires a full-time certified ESL classroom teacher to provide academic instruction in all content-area instruction.

What is the ESL-Conten-Based or ESL Self-Contained program?


The current reauthorized federal K-12 education law extended more flexibility and transparency to States in education and set specific requirements related to instruction, assessment, accountability, and other educational issues.

What is the Every Student Succeeds Act 2015?


These funds replaced Title VII to provide supplemental resources to ensure English learners, including immigrant children and youth, achieve English proficiency at high academic subjects and meet state achievement performance standards (STAAR).

What is Title III of NCLB?


This group consists of a campus administrator, a parent of an English learner participating in the bilingual or ESL program, and a certified bilingual or ESL educator.

Who serves on the LPAC?


The LPAC follows each student's academic progress during the first two years after reclassification.

What happens to ELs after they exit the program?


In this program, English learners integrate with students proficient in English in an instructional setting where students learn academic content in both languages.

What is a Dual Language-Two-Way program?


The 3-prong test must have theory, practice, and results. Theory: language programs are based on educational theory; Practice: program implementation has necessary resources and personnel to meet theory into practice (TIP); Results: schools must produce good results or replace the existing program.

What is the CastaƱeda Test?


These federal funds provide financial assistance to local educational agencies for children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. Most Title I funds are allocated at the district level in all states.

What is Title I Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act 2015?


Every caregiver who enrolls a student in a public school for the first time must complete this 2-question form.

What is the home language survey?


All second language learners should master proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing as they acquire English.

What are the domains in the ELPS?


This program most likely does not have a certified ESL classroom teacher.

What is the ESL-Pull-Out program?
