ELL Programs
Significant People
This program is used to acculturate students to US schools. In most cases it is used for secondary students
What is Newcomer programs
This act passed in 2001 mandates that schools must meet Adequate Yearly Progress in order to receive federal funding in education.
What is No Child Left Behind
In the 1840's this early American argued that common schooling in the US would create good citizen, unite society, and prevent crime and poverty
Who is Horace Mann
It is a process( with strategies) for making grade-level content more accessible to ELLs while also promoting English language development.
What is Sheltered Instruction
A student may experience disappointment or trama when trying to learn English and adjust to a new culture
What is Culture Shock
Teaching in student’s native language as they transition to English – sheltered instruction used to “scaffold” student understanding
What is Transitional bilingual education
This case law established three criteria for programs serving Ells. 1. Theory - based on sound educational theory 2. Implementation- Put into practice 3. Results - Must produce results
What is Casenada vs Picard
I am the decisive element in the classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. I have the power to make a child's life miserable or joyous. It is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated, and a child humanized or de-humanized.
Who is Me - ( The Teacher)
These are the 3 R's in teaching Ells'
What are Relationship, Relevance and Rigor
An intervention system that is intended to help students who struggle with the general education curriculum
What is RtI
Goal is bilingualism and biliteracy – both languages used for multiple years, sheltered instruction used to assist student understanding of English
What is Developmental Bilingual Education
This act passed in 1974 states that schools need to take appropriate measures to overcome language barriers that impede students' participation in programs
What is Equal Educational Opportunities Act ( 1974)
He believe that language is best acquired through natural communication 1. Genuine Contact 2. Modeling and practice 3. Students are encouraged to participate own comfort zone
Who is Steven Krashin
It takes about this many years to acquire CALP - Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency
What is 5 to 7 years
An environment that uses several different strategies to provide the student with the best chance to learn and internalize the new information
What is Optimal Learning Environment
ELLs and English speakers taught together in two languages – sheltered instruction used when teaching content through second language- * Lev Vygosky- learning from social interaction.
What is Two-way Immersion
In 1982 the court ruled that schools cannot deny students access simply because they are undocumented ( illegal) aliens. In other words, the schools are not agencies or agents for enforcing immigration law.
What is Plyler vs. Doe ( 1982)
He stated that a child follows an adult's example and gradually develops that ability to do certain tasks without help or assistance.- Importance of Play Importance of Social Interactions Importance Modeling
Who Lev Vygotsy
Bruce Springstein the musician had a key element in mind as he wrote his songs. Every teacher should include this element in the way she interacts with ELL 's or any student.
What is letting them feel like They Belong.
The difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can do with help
What is the Zone of Proximal Development
Also referred to as ESL – separate block set aside each day to focus on specific skills leading to English proficiency
What is English Language Development
In 1974 the court ruled that giving all students the same desks, books, teachers, and lessons does not mean that they have equal opportunity especially if there are students who do not speak English.
What is Lau vs Nichols ( 1974)
He coined the term ( Iceberg concept) He identified Basic Interpersonal Communication ( BIC) and Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency ( CALP) as separate and equally important aspects in language acquisition.
Who is Jim Cummins
The four steps in this process 1. Native Language 2. English Language 3. Academic Background 4. Learning and Behavior Challenges
What is the Assessment Hierarchy for Ell learners
The letters SOIP stand for
What is Sheltered Observation Instruction Protocol