Unit 1 Native Cultures
Unit 2 Exploration
Unit 3 Early American Settlements
Key Words (Vocab)
Unit 3: 3 Regions

What type of adaptation do you see here? And which Native American Cultural Region is this?

What is Irrigation or Canals in the Southwest Region.


The Indies attracted European merchants due to this favorable and profitable trade item? 

What are Spices?


What cash crop had the greatest influence on the growth of early English colonization? 



This is a place called a ________ that is controlled by another more powerful nation or country. 

What is Colony, Colonization or Colonies?


This region had the least towns and cities and most spread out colonial population.

What is "Southern" Colonies 


True or False: Native Cultures faced the same challenges in their environments.

What is False...


Commonly known as the 3 G's, these were the 3 main motivations for European sea exploration.   

What is Gold, Glory, and God?


With more and more settlers coming to the colonies how did the relationship between Colonists and Native Americans change?

What is there was more and more conflict over settlers taking more land?


Give three different examples of primary sources used to study the past?  


Write three different details about the New England Colonies? (Geography/Economy/Culture/Government) 

Rocky Soil/Shipbuilding/forests/Cold winters/ Puritan Religious beliefs/ Education/town halls. 


What ingenious method of adaptation allowed the Aztec empire to literally farm on water? 

What Chiampas or Chinampas 


A significant change in world history occurs when the Old and New World interact, historians often call this the...  

What is the Columbian Exchange?     


This colonial region had rocky soil that led to poor agriculture, instead many colonists built ships to make a profit.

What is the New England Colonies?


This key word refers to changing or altering your behavior so it works in a more suitable or better way within a given environment 

What is Adapt or Adapting. 


What were the powerful indigenous group called that encountered the English in Jamestown known as? 

Powhattan Confederacy 


These modern photographs capture the archeology of which ancient civilization? 

Who are the Incan Civilization?


The name of the indigenous group living in the Caribbean at the time of the first encounter with Columbus in 1492 is known as the...

Who are the Taino?


What are two DIFFERENT reasons people might go the British Colonies and settle? 

Seeking Land/Gold or Riches/Indentured/Seeking better life/Practice Religion/Forced migration or Enslavement


A source that comes from someone who actually experienced that event firsthand

What is Primary Source? 


What are three different facts/details about life in the Middle Colonies?  (Geography/Economy/Culture/Government) 


Indigenous people in this native Cultural Region had the most nomadic lifestyle and were expert hunters. The region is... 

What is the Great Plains?


What caused the most deaths of the Native Americans in the New World? 

Diseased was carried to native populations from contact with Europeans. This led to millions who pass from different diseases


This man became influential in saving Jamestown by developing a successful and highly marketable strain of Tobacco that grew well in environment and became a cash crop for England. 

Who is John Rolfe?


The viewpoint or perspective of history where the focus is on the narrative of the European POV, leaving out important perspectives of Asia, Africa, the Americas, and other Indigenous peoples. 

What is Eurocentrism or Eurocentric History? 


Bacon's Rebellion led to the burning down of Jamestown in the fall of 1676, how many years after the first colonist arrived is this? (Your answer in in years)

TOTAL OF 69 Years: based on 1607(Jamestown arrival)
