Theories/ Research
The Brain
Learning Theories
What is Psychology- General?

The area of psychology that focuses on area of psychology that focuses on studying thoughts, and their relationship to our experiences and our actions. 

What is Cognitive Psychology


The Dendite, Axon, Axon terminal, and soma (cell neuron)

What are parts of a neuron?


The type of learning when an organism makes connections between stimuli or events that occur together in the environment.

What is classical conditioning?


Perhaps one of the most influential and well-known figures in psychology’s history who was an Austrian neurologist fascinated by patients suffering from “hysteria” and neurosis. Hysteria was an ancient diagnosis for disorders, primarily of women with a wide variety of symptoms, including physical symptoms and emotional disturbances, none of which had an apparent physical cause.  

Who is Sigmund Freud?


Mental activity of which we are unaware and are unable to access . According to Freud, unacceptable urges and desires are kept here through a process called repression.

What is the unconscious?


This theory focuses on the role of a person’s unconscious, as well as early childhood experiences, and this particular perspective dominated clinical psychology for several decades

What is Psychodynamic Theory


The Brain and Spinal Cord

What are parts of the Central Nervous System?


Bandura's classic experiment that had children watch adults hit and interact with an inflatable toy to see if they would model the adults.

What is the Bo-Bo doll experiment?


A professional organization representing psychologists in the United States. The largest organization of psychologists in the world whose mission is to advance and disseminate psychological knowledge for the betterment of people. There are 54 divisions representing a wide variety of specialties that range from Societies for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality to Exercise and Sport Psychology to Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology.

What is the APA? (Amerixan psychological Association)


 This part of personality acts as our conscience; it is our moral compass that tells us how we should behave. It strives for perfection and judges our behavior, leading to feelings of pride or—when we fall short of the ideal—feelings of guilt.

What is the superego?


This method of research is when scientists focus on one person or just a few individuals.

This research design is when data-gathering is administered repeatedly over an extended period of time. Same subjectsover many years

Case study. Longitudinal research


Specialization of function in each hemisphere. 

What is lateralization?


Thorndike is to _________ conditioning, as ___________ is to classical conditioning, as _______ is to the Little Albert Experiment.

What is classical, Pavlov, and Watson?


German scientist who was the first to be referred to as a psychologist and set up a lab in 1879

Who was Wilheim Wundt?


This is our level of confidence in our own abilities, developed through our social experiences. It affects how we approach challenges and reach goals. In observational learning, it is a cognitive factor that affects which behaviors we choose to imitate as well as our success in performing those behaviors.

What is self-efficacy?


Refers to the ability to apply the findings of a particular research project to larger segments of society.  

What is generalizability?


This structure regulates a number of homeostatic processes, including the regulation of body temperature, appetite, and blood pressure. It also serves as an interface between the nervous system and the endocrine system and in the regulation of sexual motivation and behavior.

What is the hypothalamus?


In operant conditioning, when something pleasant is removed to decrease the likelihood of a behavior.

What is negative punishment


James is a psychologist and is intrigued how smart his 10 year old client is. He attributes this to the fact that James' parents read to him, brought him to museums, and put him in the top schools. James is attributing intelligence to the role of ___________

What is Nurture?

The inborn, genetically based personality differences that drive our early behavior and mood states is called ___________. This part of  personality is largely governed by biology and may explain how easily we adapt to situations for example?.

What is temperament?


 This is when every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected for a research experiment.

When I want to measure aggression I need to be specific and narrow down exactly what I am looking for?

What is random assignment?

What is an operational definition?


The brain’s ________  is involved in processing information from the body’s senses. It contains the somatosensory cortex, which is essential for processing sensory information from across the body, such as touch, temperature, and pain.  

What is the Parietal lobe?


When we reward successive approximations of a target behavior. 

Tolman's experiment with the rats going through the maze demonstrated the concept of _______?

What is shaping?

What is Latent Learning


Examples are Forensic Psychology, Developmental psychology, Clinical psychology, Industrial and Organizational; Psychology to Name a few... 

What are the subfields/ careers of contemporary psychology?


The Rorsach examination, the TAT, and the sentence completion are some of these to name just a few

What are projective assessments?
