The word "liturgy" means:
The participation of the people of God in the work of God.
LaSalle met this man who inspired him to open a school for boys.
Adrien Nyel
There are approximately this many Catholics in the world.
1 billion
According to the lecture, this is God's ultimate goal.
To restore our lost union with Him.
This is considered the author of scripture.
The Mass is the primary way Catholics do this:
Worship God
When LaSalle moved all the teachers into his home, they were well received by his family.
Catholics do not believe in both science and religion as sources of natural truth.
There are this many books in the New Testament.
This is the name of the Promised Land.
The Liturgy of the Word consists of these parts:
1st Reading, Responsorial Psalm, 2nd Reading, Gospel Acclamation, Gospel, Homily, Prayers of the Faithful
LaSalle taught students in what type of language?
The vernacular (their native language)
This many out of 10 Americans identify as Christian.
There are this many books in the Old Testament.
Abraham, Noah, Moses
During Mass, Christ is present in these ways:
Assembly, Presider, Word Proclaimed, Eucharistic Species
LaSalle established schools in this type of place.
Catholics believe God's truth is revealed through these two things:
Scripture and Tradition
This is how stories were initially handed down from generation to generation in the historical development of the Bible.
Oral Tradition
This is the second book of the Torah that the Prince of Egypt was based on.
The bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ during this part of the Mass.
Eucharistic Prayer
Describe what teachers were typically like during LaSalle's time.
Poorly trained and not respected
This is the largest faith group in the United States.
Salvation History began with this event:
This final book of the Bible discusses the end times.
The Book of Revelation