Metric and Sci Not
Force and Motion
Sports and Pop Culture
Varsella designs an experiment to test the effect of sunlight on bacteria growth. Identify her IV and DV.
IV: Sunlight........DV: Bacteria Growth
What is 1.45x10^5 in standard notation?
What is the density of a rock with a mass of 200 g and a volume of 40 mL?
5 g/mL
What is the velocity of a car that travels 50 meters in 2 seconds?
25 m/s
What two teams are playing in the Super Bowl?
Patriots and Falcons
Jamal wants to see how the amount of salt he gives a plant affects its growth. Identify his IV, DV, and Control Group.
IV: Salt.......DV: Plant Growth.....CG: Plant w/ no salt
What is 0.00000442 in scientific notation?
Honey has a density of 1.3 g/mL. What is the mass of 4 mL of honey?
5.2 g
What is the acceleration of an object that increases its speed from 4 m/s to 7 m/s in 1 second?
3 m/s2
What is the nickname of Sixers rookie Joel Embiid?
The Process
Nasirah wants to see how the amount of sunlight affects the growth of a plant. What are three things she should keep constant in her experiment?
Temperature, Water, Soil, Type of plant
The length of a textbook is 49 mm. Convert this to km.
0.000049 km
A block of wood is 2 cm x 5 cm x 1 cm. It has a mass of 30 g. What is its density?
3 g/cm3
What is the acceleration of a car that starts at 15 m/s and comes to a stop 2 seconds later?
-7.5 m/s2
Name the three lead actresses in the recent movie "Hidden Figures" about black female scientists who helped launch the first man into orbit.
Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae
Zaire designs a new drug that cures obesity, and he tests it on 100 patients. 50 of the patients get the drug and 50 get a placebo. After the experiment, the experimental group lost an average of 3 pounds and the control group lost an average of 4 pounds. Is the drug proven to work? Why or why not?
No. Control group lost more weight than experimental group.
What would be an appropriate metric unit for measuring each of the following values: The volume of a drop of water, The distance from Philadelphia to NYC, The mass of a baseball.
Drop: mL or microliters Distance: km Mass: g or kg
Niyah wants to determine the density of a liquid. She measures the mass of an empty graduated cylinder to be 10 g. She then adds exactly 20.0 mL to the cylinder and puts the cylinder back on the scale. The mass of the cylinder plus the liquid is 28 g. What is the density of the liquid?
0.9 g/mL
A car is driving with a constant rightward velocity. Name all the forces acting on the car (including their direction). Are the forces balanced or unbalanced? Why or why not?
Gravity down. Normal up. Friction left. Applied right. Balanced b/c constant motion.
Who is performing at halftime of this year's Super Bowl?
Lady Gaga
Yameak designs a new drug to improve hearing. He gives the drug to 50 participants, who have an average hearing level of 34. He gives a placebo to 50 other participants, who have an average hearing level of 40. After the experiment, the control group has an average hearing level of 39 and the experimental group has a level of 38. How much did each group's hearing level change by? AND did the drug work? Why or why not?
CG decreased by 1. EG increased by 4. Yes, the drug worked!
An elephant has a mass of about 5 x 10^3 kg. A blue whale has a mass of about 200,000 kg. Which animal is more massive? How many times more massive is it?
Blue whale is 40 times as massive
Rhyan is using water displacement to determine the density of a rock. She measures its mass to be 20 g. She fills a graduated cylinder with exactly 10.0 mL of water, then adds the rock to the cylinder and the volume goes up to 15.0 mL. What is the density of the rock?
4 g/mL
Two objects are dropped from an airplane. One increases its speed as it falls. The other falls at a constant velocity. Name both forces acting on the falling object. Explain how a Force diagram would be different for these two objects.
Gravity down. Friction up. The first one has less friction.
Name any three of the NBA eastern conference all star game starters.
Kyrie Irving, Lebron James, Giannis Antentoukoupo, Jimmy Butler, Demar DeRozan