Context Clues
Main Idea
Drawing Conclusion
Literary Devices
"Human babies are almost completely helpless at birth, and although they gradually grow more and more self-sufficient, fifteen or twenty years of care and teaching are needed before they are ready to set out on their own." The word self-sufficient means a. almost full-grown b. completely helpless c. able to live without help d. proud and carefree
c. able to live without help
Using MAIN IDEA practice exercise 1, answer the following question: 1. The main function of the details in this passage is to a. give examples b. describe c. give reasons supporting an argument or opinion d. explain a fact or idea
d. explain a fact or idea
Using the following clues, what can you infer? I begin in the morning at sunrise and last until sunset, "to" is the one right now and "tomorrow" is always another.
Use Conclusion #1 to answer the question: 1. Because adding new lanes will require heavy equipment and a great deal of work, you can conclude that doing so is a. the best solution b. the traditional solution c. expensive d. inexpensive
c. expensive
"My soul has grown deep like rivers." Which literary device is being used?
The result- unexpected and awful- is that South Africans are beginning to fall ill from a foul disease caused by blood flukes." Foul can mean "against the rules." In this context it means a. mild b. contagious c. unpleasant d. strange
c. unpleasant
Use Main Idea Practice #1 to answer the following question: In Australia, what has the game of marbles been played with?
balls of polished wood
Using Inference #1 to complete the question. Marty is a. a lazy dreamer b. ambitious and self-confident c. boastful but not actually very good d. timid and insecure
b. ambitious and self-confident
Use Drawing Conclusions #1 From the main idea, you can conclude that increasing the capacity of a road by narrowing the lanes a. is a costly, difficult, and time-consuming process b. leads to safer, less congested roads c. offers the best long-term solution to congestion d. is quick and cheap but potentially dangerous
d. is quick and cheap but potentially dangerous
"Bear in mind, That death is a drum." What literary device is being used?
The myths of the Great Flood and other disasters are not imagined, but real eyewitness accounts of catastrophes. They are backed by unassailable scientific proof. The word unassailable means a. unproven b. mysterious c. unsupported by facts d. not open to criticism
d. not open to criticism
Use Main Idea Practice #2 to answer the following question: The main idea of the passage is a. People have different thoughts about pennies. b. The copper penny is worth more than the double die penny. c. Some types of pennies are rarer than others. d. Pennies are pretty.
c. Some pennies are rarer than others.
Using Inference #1, answer the question. Marty's ideas for the future suggest that he a. likes to plan ahead b. has a relentless attitude c. has no interest in outside sports d. is a social climber
a. has a relentless attitude
Use Drawing Conclusions #2 1. The main idea leads to the conclusion that a. our attitudes lead to waste and pollution b. virgin materials are superior to recycled products c. we must adjust to shortages and high prices d. we can clean up our rivers and lakes
a. our attitudes lead to waste and pollution
"It is dreams that have destroyed us." What literary device is being used?
Tammany Hall was the powerful organization that controlled NYC politics in the early 1900's and many families knew they would be deprived of jobs if they fought the political machine. Machine can mean "mechanical device." In this context its means a. organization b. voting booth c. leader d. rules
a. organization
Use Main Idea #3 Practice to answer the following question. The main idea of the passage is a. Many reality shows occur naturally. b. Many reality shows occur in unreal environments. c. Many people take reality TV to be real. d. Participants were urged to act out story lines.
b. Many reality shows occur in unreal environments.
Using Inference #1, answer the question. The fact that Marty understands the importance of schooling and proper coaching implies that his dreams are a. realistic b. unusual c. foolish d. impossible
a. realistic
Use Drawing Conclusions #2 Which sentence states the reasoning that led the writer to conclude that "this fear may prove to be a good thing?" a. Because we fear air and water pollution, we will lapse into an era and pessimism and decay. b. Because we fear air and water pollution, we will change our thinking about reusing resources. c. Because we fear government controls, we will find better ways to dispose of waste. d. Because we fear recycled materials, we will find new ways to exploit dwindling resources.
b. Because we fear air and water pollution, we will change our thinking about reusing resources.
"With processions long and winding/ With the countless torches lit." What literary device is being used?
Excerpts is made up of the prefix ex- and the root that means "to pull." Excerpts are a. sections taken out of a longer work b. photographs of the author c. ideas to put into a speech d. headlines in a magazine or newspaper
a. sections taken out of a longer work
Use Main Idea Practice #4 to complete the question The main idea of the passage is a. The platypus cannot see, hear, or smell its prey. b. There are many types of lethal venom in the animal kingdom. c. The platypus is one of the few venomous mammals. d. The platypus is an odd creature.
c. The platypus is one of the few venomous mammals.
Use Drawing Conclusions #2 If it is true that as a group "we want to go on using virgin materials," then we will a. enact legislation to that effect b. eliminate pollution by using them c. eliminate the fear we now feel d. exhaust a fixed supply of resources
d. exhaust a fixed supply of resources
"The Balloons hang on wires/ they float their faces on the face of the sky." What literary device is being used?