what is fingolimod
A natural product that can increase bleeding risk
what is ginseng
This color starting dose Lamictal titration pack is used for patients taking an enzyme inhibitor such as valproic acid
what is blue
the component of birth controls that has mild diuretic effect and antiandrogenic potential
BONUS X100 if you can name one brand name
drospirenone (Yaz, Yasmin)
This is the number of CEs required for pharmacists to maintain licensure in the State of Maine
what is 15, 2 are on vaccine/immunization
The most devastating fracture
what is hip
Restasis is an eye drop used for this indication
what is dry eyes resistant to other treatment modalities
Brand and generic of the medication that can decrease PSA levels and shrink the prostate.
BONUS x100 if you know how long it takes to see maximal efficacy
Finasteride Proscar
6 months
This is the drug of choice for hyperthyroidism
BONUS X200 if you know the exceptions to drug of choice
exceptions: PTU in first trimester of pregnancy and PTU preferred with thyroid storm
The birth control that has a significant delay in fertility
Depo-Provera (DMPA)
A t-score of this indicates osteoporosis
The two bisphosphonates come as injectable formulations and are preferred if esophagitis is present
ibandronate (Boniva)
Zoledronic acid (Reclast)
what is CBC, LFTs, chest x ray, or hepatitis B and C serologies if at high risk
Probenecid works for gout by this MOA
increasing uric acid excretion from kidneys
the full replacement dose for levothyroxine
BONUS x 200 if you can list the reason for reduction in starting dose and the dose given
1.6 mcg/kg/day with IBW
12.5 mcg for patients with known CAD
List three brand names for POPs
Nora-B, Camila, Erinn
List three brand names of methotrexate
what is Rasuvo, Trexall, Otrexup
List 3 criteria for starting hormone therapy in patients with menopause.
must be healthy women within 10 years of menopause, <60 years old, no CI to hormone use
Etanercept is dosed at this frequency and via this route
what is SC weekly
List 4 indications that would require a 50% reduction in PDE-5 inhibitor dosing
What is age >65, alpha blockers, severe renal or hepatic disease and a CYP3A4 inhibitor
The following drugs have this side effect in common: Amiodarone, Diuretics (thiazides and loops) Methotrexate Oral and topical retinoids Quinolones St. John’s Wort Sulfa drugs Tacrolimus Tetracyclines Voriconazole
what is photosensitivity
Four medications that can decrease birth control efficacy
St John’s Wort, Smoking Tobacco, Ritonavir, Mounjaro, Anticonvulsants: carbamazepine, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, primidone, topiramate, Antibiotics: strong CYP 450 inducer rifampin, rifabutin and antifungals
the amount of vitamin D2 prescribed to a patient
what is 50,000 IU weekly
this side effect occurs with bisphosphonates, requiring dental work to be completed prior to treatment initiation
what is osteonecrosis of the jaw
List FOUR black box warnings for methotrexate
what is hepatotoxicity, myelosuppression,
mucositis/stomatitis, pregnancy
the time frame for each of the PDE-5 inhibitors before sexual intercourse
sildenafil and tadalafil 1 hour
vardenafil 30 minutes
avanafil 15-30 minutes
The two drugs that can cause both hypo and hyperthyroidism
what is amiodarone and interferon
List the components of the ACHES acronym for estrogen severe adverse effects
Abdominal pain that is severe (can indicate mesenteric or pelvic thrombosis) Chest pain (sharp crushing or heavy pain= heart attack, shortness of breath is a PE in the lungs)Headaches (severe with vomiting or weakness can indicate a stroke)Eye problems (blurry vision, flashing lights, complete partial vision = blood clot) Swelling or sudden pain in leg (DVT)
The medication that requires the pharmacy to be enrolled in a REMS Touch program due to the risk of PML
what is natalizumab (tysarbi)
The tablet number and frequency for a patient who needs 1,000 mg of elemental calcium and takes calcium carbonate tablets weighing 1,250 mg
what is 1 tablet PO BID
This is the definition of steroid induced immunosuppression
A patient is immunosuppressed when using >2 mg/kg/day or >20mg/day of prednisone or prednisone equivalent for >2 weeks
NSAID or Colchicine
List ALL dosages of levothyroxine in mcg and their tablet colors
orange 25 mcg, white 50 mcg, violet 75 mcg, olive 88 mcg, yellow 100 mcg, rose 112 mcg, brown 125 mcg, turquoise 137 mcg, blue 150 mcg, lilac 175, pink 200, green 300
6 contraindications to estrogen use
1. History of DVT/PE, stroke, and CAD, thrombosis of heart valves or acquired hyper coagulopathies, 2. History of breast, ovarian, liver, or endometrial cancer, 3. Migraines with aura, 4. uncontrolled hypertension (>160/100 mmHg) 5. 3 weeks post-partum, 6 weeks for postpartum patients with risk factors 6. smoker >35 years old
brand generic for RANKL inhibitor that can be given SC every 6 months for treatment of osteoporosis in males and postmenopausal females.
what is denosumab (prolia)
6 medications or drug classes that are associated with osteoporosis risk.
Anti-seizure medications, Aromatase inhibitors, Depo-medroxyprogesterone, GnRH agonists, Lithium, PPIs (increase gastric pH decrease Ca absorption), Steroids (>5mg daily of prednisone or prednisone equivalent for >3 months), Thyroid hormones (in excess), Others (loops, SSRIs, TZDs, tenofovir)