This CN is associated with taste and general sensation to the posterior portion of the tongue (reflexive tongue)
IX glossopharyngeal
Epiglottic inversion is a biomechanical movement that occurs because of these muscle movements
suprahyoids and base of tongue
For an item to be considered aspirated, it must be:
in the trachea/ past the vocal folds
The swallowing center is housed in this part of the brainstem:
The SWAL-QOL and MDADI are standardized assessments of
a weak cough and breathy vocal quality would indicate impaired airway protection and damage to this cranial nerve
X vagus
Two spaces that are relevant to swallowing and are common sites of residue in the pharynx include:
Piriform sinuses and the valleculae
poor dentition and poor oral hygiene increase the risk of this
aspiration pneumonia
these all contribute to opening of the
To pass the Yale Swallow screening, the patient must swallow this amount of water without stopping, coughing or throat clearing
3 oz
This CN is primarily responsible for the sensory and motor function in the pharyngeal phase of swallowing
X Vagus
Relocation and shortening of the pharynx are accomplished through a series of muscular slings that are referred to as the ________ ___________muscles.
long pharyngeal
The absence of a gag reflex does not predict dysphagia and/or aspiration. True or False?
during an oral mechanism exam, the patient's tongue deviates to the left side upon protrusion. This suggests that the weakness is on the _______ side
Hyolaryngeal palpation during the Clinical Swallow Examination (CSE) has been found to be a reliable means of assessing timing of the swallow and the extent of hyolaryngeal excursion.True are False?
During your cranial nerve examination, you notice that the patient has a right-side facial droop, has some slight drooling on the right side and complains of food pocketing on the right lateral sulci. You suspect damage to which cranial nerve
VII Facial
This spaces borders are the epiglottis (superiorly), aryepiglottic folds (laterally) and true cords (interiorly)
Laryngeal vestibule
Aspiration without a cough response is called
silent aspiration
unilateral jaw weakness would result in an open mouth posture. True or False.
larnyngeal elevation, aspiration and/or penetration can be assessed during the clinical swallow evaluation. True or False?
This CN is associated with hyolaryngeal elevation and excursion
XII hypoglossal
These 4 muscles are required for adequate mastication
masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoids, lateral pterygoids
During the pharyngeal phase of swallowing, there are protective mechanisms that prevent aspiration of foreign material to the trachea. They include: (there are 6)
Cessation of active ventilation
Vocal fold closure
upward and forward movement of the hyoid and larynx
epiglottic inversion to direct the bolus away from the laryngeal vestibule
bolus division, deflecting the bolus to either side of the airway
The lateral sulcus is the space between the lower molars and the _____.
Wet phonation after swallow trials indicates
residue in a pharyngeal/laryngeal space