
The element of plot that introduces the characters and setting is called _____.



How are the character's traits revealed?

Rosco walked through the airport in his crisp army uniform and duffel bag. He wiped his hands nervously on his pants, breathed a deep sigh, and begin to head to the airport welcoming area.

Rosco’s traits are revealed through his actions.


What is the author’s purpose? (P.I.E.)

Dear Edith, 

Pets should be allowed in restaurants. I brought my dog to dinner, and the waiter threw us out. He said that dogs were dirty, but my dog is cleaner than many people. I know! It's not fair - it's a ridiculous rule, and it should be changed.

To persuade


What makes up a compound sentence?


What makes up a complex sentence? 

Compound sentence = two independent clauses combined by a conjunction

Complex sentence = an independent clause and at least one dependent clause


What is the definition of theme?

  1. location of a story  

b) the author’s reason for writing a story  

c) the lesson the author wants to express  

d) the resolution of the conflict

Which of the following is an example of theme?

  1. Bananas are the healthiest fruit 

  2. Life is short; make the most of it

  3. Carry your laptop with two hands

  4. Hope

C and B


A character versus themself is what kind of conflict?

Internal conflict.


What types of sentence is this?

Annual plants must be replaced each year, but perennials return each year with new flowers and foliage.



All candy has a different process by which it is made. M&Ms are popular chocolate treats made from a mixture of liquid milk chocolate and a hard candy shell. First, the chocolate is poured into small molds. Then, it is left to cool and harden. A conveyor belt transfers the chocolate to another section of a factory, where the chocolates are coated with the hard candy shell. Finally, they are coated with color!


Description, Cause & Effect, Sequence, Problem/Solution, Compare & Contrast



Have you ever gathered around a table with your friends excited to play a board game, and when you open the box, find that pieces are missing? It’s always a bummer when you don’t have a piece to mark your place in the game, but when this happens, you can get inventive! Go to your kitchen and try using beans, gummy bears, or Skittles to replace the missing pieces! Or try using bingo chips, marker tops, or paperclips in their place. Don’t let a missing piece stop you from playing games.


Description, Cause & Effect, Sequence, Problem/Solution, Compare & Contrast



Your thesis for an essay is: College students should pursue a career in science because of the large number of job options.

Which quote would best support your argument? 


a) “Studying a science-related major in college is one of the toughest routes to choose. Few make it all 4 years, so it is impressive if you are able to graduate.”

b) “Holding a degree in a science-related field is a smart choice if you are concerned with job security. There are many different opportunities when it comes to employment.”

c) “On average, science-related careers earn 4% more a year than any other field. Why wouldn’t you choose a major that makes your more money?”

b) “Holding a degree in a science-related field is a smart choice if you are concerned with job security. There are many different opportunities when it comes to employment.”

This quote is best because it directly relates to the topic, which is about the many science-related job options.


What type of characterization is the following example?

Brandon leaned back in his chair during the lecture. He was bored with the class discussion of rock formations.

Direct characterization.


No word must ever leak out about this military action! It has to be a clandestine operation in order to succeed.

Using context clues, which word is a synonym of clandestine?

a) dangerous  b) secret  c) important

b) secret


What kind of figurative language?:

The steak was so tough I needed an axe to cut it.

ALSO give your own example of this kind of figurative language.


Also, successfully give your own example.


She hesitated, listening for sounds of the creature. The forest seemed empty, but she could sense something else out there. Something watching and waiting. Her heart thumped in her chest as she pressed her back to a tree.

What is the mood of the passage?

a) depressing b) suspenseful 

c) hiding  d) angry

b) suspensful


My heart is like a singing bird

                  Whose nest is in a water'd shoot;

My heart is like an apple-tree

                  Whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit;

My heart is like a rainbow shell

                  That paddles in a halcyon (peaceful) sea;

My heart is gladder than all these

                  Because my love is come to me.

What is the tone of this poem?

     a) nervous/unsettled

b) longing/sorrowful      c) joyful/content

c) joyful/content


Which part of the plot creates tension and suspense?

The rising action.


What type of sentence is this?

If we can't find an inexpensive hotel for the Fourth of July weekend, we can always stay with my parents.



What is the author’s purpose? (P.I.E.)

Susan Eloise Hinton is an American writer best known for her young-adult novels set in Oklahoma, especially The Outsiders, which she wrote during high school. In 1988 she received the inaugural Margaret Edwards Award from the American Library Association for her cumulative contribution in writing for teens.

To Inform


If a text uses these signal words: first, now, next, later, and/or actual dates…

What is the text structure?

Cause and Effect, Chronological, Problem/Solution or Description



What is the rhyme scheme of this poem?

Some say the world will end in fire,

Some say in ice.

From what I've tasted of desire 

I hold with those who favor fire.

But if it had to perish twice,

I think I know enough of hate

To say that for destruction ice

Is also great

And would suffice.



No matter where you go, the Internet is following you. Every portable device is being made with an Internet connection. Most new TVs and other electronics come with Internet connections as well. The Internet is truly ubiquitous.

Using context clues, if something is ubiquitous, it is…

  1. mysterious     b) dangerous    c) everywhere

c) everywhere


What are the three types of author’s purpose?

To Persuade, To Inform, or To Entertain


What kind of figurative language?:

She was furious. Josie’s dark eyes swam like fish behind her tinted glasses as she stared into bathroom mirror.

Also, what two things are being compared in this example of fig. language?


Josie’s eyes are being compared to fish.


Define tone AND define mood.

Tone is the attitude the author has about the subject or text.

Mood is the emotion that the reader feels towards the text.


Label and define all 5 parts of the plot diagram 

Ms. Hanes will confirm or den the answer.
