Law and psychology
First classical conditioning subjects
Another name for operant conditioning
Instrumental conditioning
The O in S-O-R
Organism factors
Bitter, sweet, sour, salty and umami
Basic tastes
Treat schizophrenics
Clinical Psychologist or psychiatrist
Removing the US so no CR occurs
Something that decreases a behavior
A mental representation of a physical place
Cognitive map
Female psychologist who promoted humane treatment of mentally ill
Dorothy Dix
Conduct test for learning disabilities
School Psychologist
A return of previous extinct behavior
Spontaneous recovery
Fastening your seat belt to turn off buzzer
Created the social learning theory
Albert Bandura
Presenting the US before the CS
Backward conditioning
Studies the effect of a group on an individual
Social Psychologist
When a CS buzzer is paired with a light to become a new CD
Higher order or secondary conditioning
Time out
Negative punishment
Learning that occurs without reinforcement
Latent learning
Drug class for marijuana
Studies the interaction between man and machine
Human Factor Psychologist
Classical conditioning technique to treat phobias
Systematic desensitization
After being bit by a dog a person is now afraid of all dogs
Worked with the chimpanzee Sultan
Wolfgang Kohler
Distortion of figure and ground