Firsts settlement in Massachusetts, founded by Puritan Pilgrims
Harriet Tubman
Battles that started the American Revolution
Lexington & Concord
Large farm in the South, plants grown by slave labor
Building burned down by the British in the War of 1812
America's first capital where the Declaration of Independence & Constitution were written
Writer of the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson
Country that helped America get independence in the Revolution
Secret system of safehouses that guided slaves to freedom in the North
Underground Railroad
Cash crops grown in the South, usually by slave labor (4 answers)
Tobacco, Cotton, Rice, Sugar or Indigo
Territory at the end of the main trail west, travelled by wagon
President who ordered the Indian Removal Act & the Trail of Tears
Andrew Jackson
War strategy using ambushes and hit & run attacks
guerilla warfare
Disease that killed a majority of Native Americans who had no resistance
Language that communicates long distances with dots & dashes
Morse code
African country created by the American Colonization Society
Native (Shoshone) woman who guided Lewis & Clark in the Louisiana Territory
Mission where the Texans delayed the Mexican Army, everyone inside died
System where workers worked for free to pay off a debt, then would be free to work themselves
Indentured servitude
What did the British tax in America, leading to anti-British feelings (3 things)
Sugar, Stamps, Tea, Paper, Glass
Town in New York where women led by Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady Stanton met to discuss women's rights
Seneca Falls
Location where George Washington camped the army for the Winter of 1777, suffering starvation & frostbite
Valley Forge
Religious group who believed Jesus came to America and led a holy war between Nephites & Lamanites
Term for New England militia men, trained to prepare quickly