Exodus 20:3
You shall have no other ______ before me.
What has been the main theme of each of our lessons the last 5 weeks?
We discussed David sin against God. Which woman was involved in David's sin? A. Sarai B. Bathsheba C. Rachel D. Rahab
B. Bathsheba
True or False?
Joash began his reign by doing what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but after his chief priest died, he turned to idols and false gods?
What happened to Jonah when he was thrown off the boat?
He was swallowed by a giant fish.
1 John 1:9
If we confess our _____, He is faithful and just to _____ us our sins and cleans us from all unrighteousness.
sins, forgive
What was John the Baptizing doing for people that had followed in obedience and repented their sins to God?
He was baptizing them.
Jeroboam created idols in Israel instead of following God. What are idols that kids today can have?
Friends, TV, video games, toys, sports, etc.
How old was Joash when he became King?
7 years old
What does God do for those who repent to Him and follow Him?
Forgives them and saves them
John 1:1
In the ______ was the _______, and the word was with God, and the word was ______.
beginning, word, God
What does repentance mean?
a change of heart and mind that involves turning away from sin and asking God for forgiveness (in kids terms is expected)
The Lord appeared to Solomon and asked what He should give Him. What did Solomon ask God for?
What good thing did Joash restore while he was King?
He restored the house of the Lord, the Temple.
False. John did know he was not worthy, but obediently fulfilled this plan God had for him.
Psalm 136:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for his steadfast ______ ______ _______.
love endures forever
What is something that should happen if there has been real repentance?
A desire to change and an actual change in behavior
What caused Solomon to stray from his obedience to God?
He had many wives and many of them worshiped false gods and idols.
How long was Joash King?A. 7 years B. 11 months C. 40 years D. 88 years
C. 40 years
What did John the Baptist eat?
Wild honey and locusts
Recite John 13:35
By this all....
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
In our series on repentance, we have talked about five different main characters. Name three of the five.
King Joash. The prophet Isaiah. The prophet Zephaniah. John the Baptist. Jonah. (Could accept Nahum if they remember their lesson from Sunday).
What king of Israel dreamed of building the Temple and what king of Israel actually built the Temple?
King David and his son King Solomon
What was the name of the chief priest who was a was a wise and Godly example for Joash?
We have discussed a few prophets that were sent by God with messages. What types of messages was God using the prophets to send the people? Why was this necessary?