who was on top of the social pyramid
who was at the bottom of the pyramid
the pharaoh
slaves, unskilled workers, criminals, people in debt, and farmers
what continent is Mesopotamia located on
what about the Israelites made them different from other civilizations
they were polythiestic
what are the two eras of prehistory
neolithic age and paleolithic age
name the 7 continents
Australia, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North and south America.
define theocracy
theocracy is when the same person is the country's religious and political leader
who created the first set of laws
how would you describe his laws
Hammurabi created the first set of laws
his laws were harsh but very fair and balanced
where did they live and what modern day countries is it in
+bonus (optional) double points
what was the one all powerfull God they worshipped
they lived in Canaan Which is modern day Lebanon Israel and Jordan
bonus: they worshiped yahew
what are nomads
and why were paleolithic people nomads
nomads; people who need to keep moving when their supply of animals to hunt is low.
paleolithic people are nomads because they hunted and gathered and when their supply was low they moved to another location with more animals and recources
list the 3 answers
years in a decade
years in a century
years in a millennium
10 years in a decade
100 years in a century
1000 years in a millenium
why did Egyptians study the stars
ancient Egyptians studied the stars so they could predict the flooding of the Nile, they also used it to make sure the entrance of the pyramids was always north.
what does grapes stand for
social structure
what disaster was brought to the Israelites and where did it cause them to migrate too
BONUS + 200 points
what year did the Assyrians conquer the Israelites
a large drought in their lands caused them to migrate to Egypt
722 bce
in the neolithic age did they still hunt yes/no?
double the points bonus (optional, if you get it wrong you get no points even if you get the first one right)
bonus: what was systematic agriculture and what did it lead to and what did that cause and what was it/define it
yes they still hunted but not very often they mostly farmed
bonus: systematic agriculture was the organized growing of food on a daily basis it let to surplus Which gave people free time which caused people specialize Which was the training for one specific activity Which one specialized or good at.
list the 4 definitions
map title:
map key:
map scale:
compass rose
map title; tells a maps purpose or title
map key; tells what the symbols on a map stand for
map scale; tells the distance between 2 points on a map
compass rose; a symbol on a map that says the 4 cardinal directions and sometimes the intermediate directions
total points range 400-1200
2 optional questions 1 mandatory questions
3 in one question
l1.ist the achievements of Narmer/Menes
2.what protected the Egyptians in the north south east and west
3.describe details about the Egyptian belief in the afterlife
if one question chosen the penalty for incorrect answer is -1000 if two questions are chosen the penalty is -500 if all three are chosen there is no penalty for incorrect answer
question 1 and 2 are optional each question is worth 400 points
question 1 answer: Menes united both upper and lower Egypt by marrying lower Egypt's princess officially uniting both Egypt's and he began the Egyptians pharaohs tradition of dynasty's.
question 2 answer:
south; rapids
North; deltas
east and west; large dry deserts.
question 3 answer: the Egyptians looked forward to the afterlife and believed it was better than their life on earth. they believed that if they were good learned the spells in the book of dead they would have a chance to make it to the afterlife.
are the mesopotamians monotheistic or polytheistic
+ bonus question 100 points
were the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates river predictable
they were polytheistic
Name the three Israelite kings
BONUS double points
how long did their reign last for
King... Saul, David, Solomon.
Saul 1020-1000 BC 20 years
David 1000-961 BC 39 years
Solomon 961-922 BC 39 years
what is domestication
a long term bond that a animal or plant slowly forms between them through generations.
what are lines of latitude
what's the most famous line of latitude
what are lines of longitude
what's the most famous line of longitude
lines of latitude are than run across the earth east to west also known as parallels
the most famous line of latitude is the equator
lines of longitude are lines that run across the earth north to south
the most famous line of longitude is the prime meridean
what role did Egyptian religion play in everyday life
Egyptian religion affected their social structure, they used religion to explain why things happen, religion affected who their pharaoh. religion played a MASSIVE part in Egyptian society culture and their every day life.
5 total questions
3 mandatory questions 2 optional
question key;
each question is worth 300 but each optional question you choose the more the question worth gets example; choose 4 questions each question is worth 400 (do the amount of questions you choose times 100 to find you worth per question) WARNING: IF YOU CHOOSE A OPTIONAL QUESTION IF YOU GET EVEN 1 QUESTION WRONG YOU GET 0 POINTS FOR THE ENTIRE QUESTION.1,2,3 mandatory 4,5 optional
1. name some Sumerian inventions (name at least 3)
2. what was the land between the Tigris and Euphrates river called
3. how did the flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates help the people of Mesopotamia
4. what does the word polytheistic mean
5.what continent was MESOPOTAMIA located on
What was the 12 tribes of Israel
MEGA BONUS 500 points per question answered. (optional)
1. (mandatory) what happened after Solomon's death.
2. (mandatory) did the two new tribes share the same religion. what were the two tribes called
3.(mandatory) Name the 5 books of the old testament
4.(mandatory) what happened in 586 B.C.
5. (optional) what happened n 539 B.C. what did the Persian king do
Abraham's grandson Jacob (later named Israel)
had 12 sons in Canaan, each son led to a different family group of the tribe.
Which eventually led the 12 tribes of Israel (each son had one of the twelve tribes)
1. after Solomon's death revolts broke out and the 10 northern tribes broke away from the 2 in the south.
2.the northern tribes became Israel the southern tribes became Judah. they continued to study the same religion.
3. Genesis, Exodus, Lectivus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
4. in 586 B.C.the Chaldean's led by Nebuchadnezzar defeated Judah and destroyed the temple in Jerusalem the people of Judah were enslaved and taken to Babylon.
5. in 539 B.C. the Persians conquered the Chaldean's. the Persian king Cyrus the second let the Jews return to Judah.
what was surplus how did it affect the lives of the neolithic people
it allowed them to have free time for specialization
define a primary source
define a secondary source
extra 300 point bonus: (optional) fill in the blanks
same time period ______ different time period ___
a primary source is information on a topic or event by one who was actually there to witness it.
a secondary source is info on a topic or event made from what one has learned or heard from other sources of information (could be secondary or primary)
same time period SUBTRACT different time period ADD