This percentage of people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom.
What is 70%?
There are this many stripes on the American Flag.
What is 13?
This is the I feel statement about seeing/feeding the horses on Tuesday afternoon?
I felt ___________ when I saw the horses because __________________. What I would like to do instead is _________________.
This is a way to express gratitude to someone who helps you with something, gives you a gift, or does you a favor.
What is a thank-you note?
True or False:
Benjamin Franklin was a philosopher, writer, student until he was 12, inventor, President of the United States, scientist, and father.
What is FALSE!
He was NOT a president although he WAS a founding father!
These are three ways to greet others, especially if you're in Japan, Europe, or the Middle East.
What is bowing, kissing cheeks, and placing a hand over heart?
This is the correct way to dispose of the American Flag.
*Bonus points for describing the shape of flag during disposal*
What is a burning ceremony?
*Bonus points for describing that it's in a tightly folded triangle.*
This is the "I feel" statement when I learned I cannot wear the American Flag and still be "patriotic."
I feel _______________ because _____________. What I would like to do instead is_______________________________.
This is a very good reason to learn to do laundry and practice good hygiene like changing clothes daily.
Benjamin Franklin used this object while flying a kite to attract electricity from lightning.
What is a key?
This is the word that means posting over dramatic updates.
What is sadfishing?
The stars on the American Flag represent these.
What are the 50 states?
This is an I feel statement about Benjamin Franklin's experiment.
I feel ___________ because __________________. What I would like to do instead is _________________.
Cooking at home compares to eating fast food or package foods for these 2 reasons.
What is cheaper and healthier?
These are some of the words Benjamin Franklin invented.
What are battery, charge, lightning rod, negative, positive, and electrician.
One valid argument for continuing to shake hands during greetings is this.
What is people need contact to survive?
It is patriotic to add your own logo, words, numbers, advertisement on the American Flag.
It is FALSE!
The American Flag does NOT have any thing other than the 50 stars and 13 stripes.
I feel statement about cyber-bullying.
I feel _________ because ________. What I would like to do instead is _________.
Tidying can be hard if you have an ADHD or depression diagnosis, but that makes it more important to do because it can benefit you in these ways.
What are sleeping better, being more productive, have more focus, and finding things easier.
Benjamin Franklin had this person with him during his experiment.
Who is Benjamin Franklin's son?
These are the three questions to ask before you post on social media, especially if you're sadfishing.
What are:
Is it forever? Is it for discussion? Is it for good?
In order to be respectful to the flag, it should never touch this.
What is the ground?
This is my "I feel" statement about shaking hands and giving high fives.
I felt ___________ because __________________. What I would like to do instead is _________________.
Making a good first impression involves these five things that would fall under great social skills.
What are making eye contact, saying their name, smiling, standing tall, planting your feet?
These two large cities is where Benjamin Franklin lived.
What is Boston and Philadelphia?