Progressive Era
America and the Great War / The "New Era"
The Great Depression / The New Deal
The Global Crisis / America in a World at War

Protection of all equal privileges when trading with China.

What is the Open Door Policy?


Journalists who began to direct public attention towards social, economic, and political injustices.

Who were muckrakers?


America loaned huge sums of money to developing nations to force them to be forever in debt to them, leading to heavy dependence on the US.

What is Dollar Diplomacy?


The Dust Bowl

What was the drought/severe dust storms from Texas to Dakota that damaged agriculture in the area?


Region of China which Japan invaded because they were concerned about the increasing strength of the Soviet Union.

What is Manchuria?


The ship that exploded in Havana Harbor + contributed to the US declaring war on Spain.

What was the USS Maine?


She created settlement houses-- free community centers that let immigrants learn English and offered various other services. This led to the creation of social workers as a career.

Who was Jane Addams?


The US went to great lengths for this building project, including aiding a revolt to get the land they needed. It was worth it, though, because it significantly cut down travel times for certain crafts.

What is the Panama Canal?


A group of professionals and academics that advised Roosevelt (their purpose was to help him plan the New Deal).

What was the “Brain Trust”?


Around 1000 Jewish refugees were refused entry to the US on this ship.

What was the St. Louis?


The country that the US felt obligated to “save” via brutal invasion in 1898.

What is the Philippines?


These were the three main reasons for suffrage.

What are abolition, temperance, and better working conditions?


The three reasons the US entered the Great War.

What are economic ties to Britain, the sinking of the Lusitania, and the Zimmerman telegram?


Three reasons for Hoover’s “Too Little Too Late"

What was Hoover getting everyone to agree to freeze wages (but companies eventually broke agreement), public works programs (kicks problem down the road), millions into infrastructure projects, and aid to only 160 banks when 9000 were failing?


Korematsu v US.

What was the US case where Korematsu refused to comply with internment on account of it violating his civil rights, leading to his arrest and subsequent court case which was ruled against him?


He said countries with sea power were the greatest and that the US should build up its navy.

Who was Alfred Thayer Mahan?


He said African Americans should slowly educate themselves to hope to assimilate into white culture.

Who was Booker T. Washington?


The two acts that allowed the US to basically outlaw dissent about the government during WWI.

What were the Espionage and Sedition Acts?


When all banks shut down for a certain period of time so they could get their accounts in order before reopening.

What is a bank holiday?


The Lend-Lease Act

What was the act to eliminate $ sign from all arms transactions, allowing America to funnel weapons to Great Britain with Britain’s promise to pay later?


This policy, passed in 1901, basically gave the US total control over Cuban foreign policy and stripped it of its political independence.

What is the Platt Amendment?

This is what was oddly missing from the 18th amendment.

What is the prohibition of the actual consumption of alcohol?


Most American households had one of these new technologies (name at least 2).

Automobiles, Radios, Telephones (1 telephone for every 6 people).


Three causes of the Great Depression.

What were overproduction and lack of diversification (prosperity depended on very few industries), maldistribution of wealth (more than half of families lived on the edge of poverty), weak banking system (large banks took too many risks and went bankrupt, starting a chain reaction), and declining exports (European demand for American goods decreased)?


The two strategies for approaching Japan (both leading generals and approaches).

What was General MacArthur moving North from Australia to the Philippines and General Nimitz moving west from Hawaii to major Japanese island outposts?
